6.4 Settlement Favelas of Rio De Janeiro Flashcards
Human Geography
PACIFICATION: Who was Wilson Witzel?
63rd former state governor of Rio De janerio. Hi steam began in Jan 2019 and ended with his impeachment in April 2021
What is the UPP
Police pacification Unit
How many murders on average per day in Brazil in 2016?
168 per day
what did Wilson Witzal introduce?
He introduced a stark shift towards militarised and indiscriminate targeting of Favelas which contributed to an increase in police killings
Describe location of Favelas
Steep hillsides, especially to the north and west of the city
Risk of Landslides
High density of buildings
Cantagalo sits on a hillside overlooking beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema
Problems in the favelas
Lack of basic services- electricity, sewers, waste collections
Poor quality self built housing
Unemployment and low incomes leading to poverty
Lack o access to education transport /healthcare and public transport
Lower life expectancy and higher mortality
Name the largest favela in Rio- it is also Largest shanty town in Brazil
What is Rua 4?
A different approach to redevelopment: Flourishing gardens, brightly painted buildings, small plazas
How wide was the original street?
What is the width now
It was 60cm wide.
It is now 12m wide
Is the street closed to cars
Yes it is closed to cars to create a feeling of peace and tranquility and calmness
what issues did the widening of the street cause for residents?
Demolition of homes/buildings on either side .
230 residents were offered government assistance to rent a new home until the blocks were finished - they could then move back to one if the newly created 144 family units
when did the UPP (pacification ) Pacifying Police Unit begin?
Began in 2008
What was purpose of the UPP?
For police to seize control of rio’s favelas in heavily armed operation by a special unit called BOPE (tactical aid unit)
What happened once the UPP invaded the favelas?
The members of drugs gangs arrested or forced to flee elsewhere
CCTV was set up to monitor crime
What year was control of Rocinha seized from drug gangs?
Has pacification worked in Rocinha?
~Generally yes- a reduction in crime but residents expressed concern for heavy police presence-
There has been an increase in police killings
Benefits of pacification in Rocinha
Residents can now own their property - can sell it or rent it out
However this means that rents have increased greatly pricing some people out of the market - and therefore displacing them to favelas with much worse conditions