6.20 Supersedure Flashcards
Why is supersedure important?
It can bring vigour and youth to the colony, greater pheremone production so the colony is more cohesive but it can also provide new gene combinations that can be beneficial to the superorgansisim
What happens to the old queen during supersedure?
She remains laying, only is killed when the new queen is mated and laying.
What is inefficent supersedure?
The old queen is killed by the new queen before she stars laying - this casues a gap in the brood pattern
How many supersedure cells will there be, and compare with swarm cells?
Tend to be 5 or fewer. Tend to be in the middle of the comb
What is the evoloutioanry advantage of queen rearing taking 16 days?
It is the least amount of time out of all the castes. When you need a queen you often need one fast to replace the current. Quicker gestation time means you can predict weather and are queenless for less time
What are the triggers of supersedure?
o Ageing – Older queens produce less mandibular pheromone (9-ODA) and footprint pheromone. When these fall below a threshold level they no longer inhibit supersedure cell construction. She may also have a lower laying rate.
o Poor mating – If poorly mated the bees can sense this and will supersede
o Injury/Infection – Damaged legs or antennae can cause supersedure (some beekeepers will cut off the queen’s mid leg to encourage supersedure). This could minimise her egg laying rate or reduce the amount of footprint pheromone. Bees will supersede queens infected with Nosema.
o Poor forage – they are less likely to swarm in these years, so supersedure is more likely
o After swarming- when the prime swarm leaves the newly established colony may likely supersede their queen to ensure they have a young queen to take them into winter.
o Varroa treatments
o Large hive space – this can also trigger supersedure.