6.15 Collection Of Nectar And Water Flashcards
How much nectar will a colony collect annually?
Why is nectar collected?
It is a source of energy through metabolisim.
What are the allocation and reallocation problems with foraging?
The future availability of the patches is unknown and there is constant changing supply. The soloution is that large and rich nectar sources should have more foragers and smaller worse sites should be allocated fewer
Describe the allocation process of foraging?
Self-organising and decentralised
List external cues on food collection
Climate, weather and time of day can all alter nectar secretion
How does a forager make a dicesion on whether to dance and advertise her forage source?
The greater a colonies nectar intake, the more slective foragers can be in advertising their forage source. When search times are greater (due to high income) the foragers increase their threshold to dance so only high-quality sources are advertised during peak flow.When the wait time dwindlers then they lower their threshold to dance so that nectar is brought in even if less profitable
What is the benefit of flower constancy to the forager?
It allows the bee to learn how to best collect nectar and become more efficent. Some flowers ony produce nectar at certain times of day so this can be learnt.
What happens if there is a lack fo storage space?
Stop signals will be produced to inhibit forageing. More tremlbe dances will be carried out as they will need to be offloaded.
What percentage of raw nectar can be water?
What ratio of nectar and water can be found in the crop? Why?
50:50 - this is the right mixture for digestion and energy production
What happens to nectar collected by the foragers?
Either fed to adult bees and brood directly or stored?
What percentage of the colony are water collectors?
How much water can a colony consume on a hot day?
1 litre
What reasons is water needed by the colony?
o To maintain body fluid homeostasis in adult bees
o To produce glandular secretions
o Dilute honey for feeding the brood
o Dissolve granulated stores
o To cool the nest and in dry climates to humidify the nest
How can nectar help with water requirements?
With nectar being 20-70% water, most of the water a colony gets is through this