6.10-6.22 Beta and radioactivity Flashcards
What four things are released from an unstable nuclei in a random process?
.Beta Minus
.Positron (Beta+)
.Gamma rays
.Neutron radiation
What are alpha beta and gamma rays all examples of?
Ionising radiations
What is meant by background radiation?
.Weak radiation that can be detected from natural/external sources
Give three origins of background radiation
.Cosmic rays
.Radiation from underground rocks
.Nuclear fallout
.Medical rays
Give the two ways you can measure radioactivity
.Geiger-Muller tube
.Photographic film
How can photographic film be used to measure radioactivity?
.Film goes darker when it absorbs radiation
Give a use of photographic film and radioactivity
.It is worn as a badge by people who work with radiation to see how much radiation they’ve been exposed to
How can a Geiger-Muller tube be used to detect radiation?
.Each tie it absorbs radiation it transmits an electrical pulse to the machine, Which produces a clicking sound
What is an alpha particle equivalent to?
A helium nucleus
What is a gamma ray?
Electromagnetic radiation
What is a beta particle?
.An electron emitted from the nucleus
In order of most to least ionising rank Alpha, Beta and Gamma
In order of most to least penetrating rank Alpha, Beta and Gamma
Who discovered the electron?
JJ Thomson
Who said everything was made from atoms?
Who realised most of the atom was empty space?
Who produced the final model of the atom?
Give the process of Beta- decay
.A neutron will turn into a proton and emit a fast moving electron
Give the process of Beta Plus decay
A proton turns into a neutron and emits a fast moving positron
Nuclei that have undergone radioactive decay often undergo what?
Nuclear rearrangement with a loss of energy as gamma radiation