6.1 - Injuries (self-chosen) Flashcards
hurt a part of your body, often in an accident
injury, N
an injury, especially a cut or hole
wound sb/sth, v
a short piece of thread that a doctor, nurse, etc uses to join sb’s skin together when it has been cut
She cut her hand and will need stitches.
to break the surface of your skin, for example when you fall to the ground. (it doesn’t bleed much)
to graze
I fell over and grazed my knees on the path.
a place where two bones meet
a joint
injure a joint with a sudden movement
to sprain
I sprained my wrist playing tennis.
to injure part of your body, especially your ankle, wrist or knee, by bending it in the wrong direction
to twist
She twisted her ankle.
a piece of the body tissue that you expand and relax in order to move part of your body
a muscle
to injure a muscle
to pull a muscle
I pulled a muscle lifting the suitcase.
a band of cloth you tie round your neck to support an injured arm or wrist
a sling
She has her arm in a sling.
a broken bone: a ______ arm/skull (=head bone)
a fracture / fractured
Jo had a fracture in her leg.
a serious injury on your body caused by heat or fire
severe burns
She suffered from severe burns.
opp: minor burn
a blue or brown mark that appears on the skin after you have been hit
a bruise
How did you get that bruise on your arm?
bruise sth, v
A bruise on your eyes is a black eye.
cut or damage your skin with something sharp
to scratch
The cat scratched his face badly.
a small painful area of skin that looks like a bubble full of liquid
a blister
These shoes gave me blisters on my heels.