4.4 TV characters Flashcards
a series of TV stories about the lives of an imaginary group of people.
Dt.: Seifenoper
soap opera
strong enough to deal with difficult situations.
Dt.: robust
angry and showing you want to fight or argue with sb.
a gentle part of your character.
Dt. eine weiche Seite
a soft side
helping or encouraging sb.
Dt.: unterstützend
if you are _______ other
people have a good opinion of you.
Dt.: angesehen
the ability to make good decisions based on your experience and knowledge.
Dt.: Weisheit, Klugheit
the main bad character in a story
Dt.: Verbrecher, Ganove
thinking you are better than
others and behaving in a way that is too
Dt,: arrogant
a person who does not tell the truth.
Dt.: Lügner
control or influence sb,
often in a dishonest way
Dt.: jdn. manipulieren
manipulate sb
very determined to do what
you want to do.
Dt.: willensstark
want sth very much
Dt.: sich nach etw. sehnen
long for sth
the freedom to organize
your life and make decisions without
help from others.
Dt.: Unabhängigkeit, Selbstständigkeit
independent ADJ.
an ___________ Person
likes disagreeing with others
Dt.: streitsüchtig
often in an angry mood.
Dt. schlecht gelaunt
get involved in a situation
and try to influence the way it develops,
although you have no right to do this
Dt.: einmischen
interfere (in sth)
If you _________________, you are interfering in sth.
Dt.: seine Nase in etwas stecken
poke your nose into sth
Word focus
Character has different meanings.
1 a person in a book, film, play, etc.:
The doctor is an important character
in the film.
2 the set of qualities that make a
person who they are: Honesty is an essential part of his character.
A figure is someone who is important in some way: a key political figure.