3.5 - Tears And Laughter Flashcards
Make jokes about sb., often in an unkind way
SYN: to poke fun at
Dt.: seinen Spott mit jemandem treiben
Make fun of sb.
Make sb. laugh or smile
Dt.: jdn. amüsieren
To amuse sb
Make sb feel unhappy or worried
Dt.: jdn aus der Fassung bringen
To upset
Adj.: upset
Say sth to sb in the form of a playful joke
Dt.: jdn. ärgern
tease sb
Suddenly begin to cry
Dt.: in Tränen ausbrechen
Burst into tears
Behave in an extreme way that is not acceptable
Dt.: zu weit gehen
Go too far
Cry a lot, or for a long time
Cry your eyes out
Cry noisily taking sudden, deep breaths
Dt.: schluchzen
To sob
Touch sb lightly and repeatedly so that they laugh
Dt.: jdn. kitzeln
Tickle sb
Laugh in an excited or silly way, with high-pitched, rapid sounds, because you are amused, embarrassed or nervous.
Dt.: kichern
To giggle
Laughing a lot
INF: in stitches
To have sb/be in stitches
Smile widely
Dt.: grinsen
To grin
Grin from ear to ear (=smile very widely)
Grin (N)
Tell sb sth that is not true, as a joke
Dt.: jmd auf den Arm nehmen
Pull sb’s leg (INF)
SYN: have sb on (INF)
(Of a person or their behaviour) unkind
Dt.: gemein
Laugh loudly for a long time
Laugh your head off
SYN: roar with laughter
Make a serious, worried or angry face by pulling your eyebrowns together
Dt.: jdn/etw missbilligend ansehen
Frown (at sb)