5.3 How we met Flashcards
a meeting between two people who have never met before. They spend time together to see if a romance develops.
a blind date
immediately have a good, friendly relationship with sb
hit it off (with sb)
Dt. sich gut verstehen
(of two people) have interests that are the same
have sth in common (with sb)
Dt. etw gemeinsam haben
an exciting relationship between two people who are in love
adj romantic
be interested in sb in a romantic way
be attracted to sb
Dt. sich zu jdm hingezogen fühlen
a person who is ______ ________ is pleasant to be with
good company
the action of behaving towards sb as if you find them attracted to
talk in a friendly way to sb
chat sb up
Dt. jdn anbaggern
pleasantly new and different
Dt. erfrischend
be strongly attracted to sb
fall for sb
Dt. sich in jdn verlieben
love you feel the first time you see sb
love at first sight
Dt. Liebe auf den ersten Blick
slowly; gradually
little by little
Dt. nach und nach
slowly being to like sb/sth
grow to like sb/sth
liking sb very much; being in love with sb
crazy/mad about sb
Dt. verrückt nach jdm sein
do sth without thinking about it carefully
rush into sth
Dt. etw überstürzen
ask sb to marry you
propose (to sb)
Dt. jdm einen Antrag machen
The woman that a man is engaged to and will marry
Dt. Verlobte