31.1 Decisions Flashcards
decide sth.
D: sich über etwas Gedanken machen/entscheiden
make up your mind
Think or argue about sth without making any progress
D: sich im Kreis drehen
go round in circles
stop wasting time and do what you should be doing
D: das tun, was ansteht
get on with it
be patient and delay doing sth until you see what happens
D: abwarte und Tee trinken
wait and see
develop in a particular way, or have a particular result.
D: herausstellen
turn out
do sth without thinking carefully about first.
D: in etwas hinein rasseln
rush into sth
arrange to do sth at a later date, especially because you do not want to do it
D: aufschieben, herauszögern
put sth off
be careful and avoid risks
D: auf Nummer Sicher gehen
play (it) safe
stay in one position or place
D: irgendwo verharren
stay put
think about sth in your past
syn: reflect on sth
D: zurückschauen
look back (on sth)
if a job or an opportunity … , it becomes available
D: sich anbieten
come up
have difficulty in making a decision to do sth
D: unschlüssig sein
be in two minds about sth
start a business an organisation, etc.
D: etwas aufbauen, starten
set sth up
continue to say or do what you think is right, even if other people think, you are wrong.
D: auf seiner Meinung beharren
have the courage of your convictions
try to achieve, get or win sth
D: auf etwas abzielen
go for sth
= at the same time as continuing with another activity
D: während
as you go along
worry about a problem when it actually happens and not before
D: sich des Problems annehmen, wenn es soweit ist
cross that bridge when you come to it