6.1 Flashcards
What are the two major causes of blunt injury?
blow to abd, flank, rib
rapid deceleration
What are some S/S of renal trauma?
Hypotension/shock, hematuria, echhymosis, tenderness,
At what BP is a pt considered stable?
sBP>90mmHg and stable serial Hemoglobin
How many grades of renal trauma are there? Which ones are considered major and which minor? Which are stable?
5; Minor: 1 and 2; Major 3, 4,5
Stable = 1, 2, 3.
Whats consists of a grade 1 trauma?
Gr I:
- Contusion OR
- Contained subcapsular hematoma
Whats consists of a grade 2 trauma?
Gr II:
- Nonexpanding, confined perirenal hematoma OR
- Cortical laceration less than 1 cm deep without urinary extravasation
Whats consists of a grade 3 trauma?
-Laceration more than 1 cm into cortex without extravasation
Whats consists of a grade 4 trauma?
Gr IV:
- Laceration through the corticomedullary junction into collecting system, +/- laceration at a segmental vessel OR
- Thrombosis of a segmental renal artery and corresponding parenchymal ischemia
Whats consists of a grade 5 trauma?
Gr V:
- Thrombosis of main renal art OR
- Multiple major lacerations [“shattered kidney”] OR
- Avulsion main vessel
What are the two kinds of bladder injury?
Intraperitoneal (30%) and Extraperitoneal (60%)
How are the two kinds of bladder injuries managed?
Intraperitoneal- Expedited surgical repair w catheter drainage
Extraperitoneal-Catheter drainage alone 10-14d if uncomplicated.
Open repair with catheter drainage if complicated:
(Boney spicules, vaginal/rectal laceration, bladder neck injury, undergoing surgery for other injuries, Non-healing after 4 weeks)
What are two complications of intraperiotoneal and extraperitoneal injuries to the bladder (each 2)?
Intra: delayed peritonitis, renal failure
Extra: Hemorrhage, pelvic abcess/hematoma, urinary incontinence
Whats the difference between a posterior and anterior urethral trauma?
Posterior- at or above membranous urethra (relatively fixed but susceptible to shears), usually because of pelvic fracture/trauma
Anterior- penile or bulbar urethra. caused by blunt (straddle injuries, crush), penetrating, self-instrumentation, iatrogenic
How does one manage a anterior or posterior urethral injury?
Posterior- Traditional = suprapubic tube and delayed urethroplasty. New primary alignment over catheter
Anterior: contusion- urethral catheter. Straddle- SP catheter and delayed repair, Penetrating- surgery.
What’s an important rule when tx posterior injuries?
DO NOT ATTEMPT MEATAL CATHETER IF BLOOD AT MEATUS. (also dont do meatal catheter for straddle injuries).