4.7 Flashcards
What are the 4 MC indication for C-section?
cephalopelvic disproportion, repeat c-section, non-assuring fetal status, breech/transverse lie
What are the dimensions of the two techniques?
Pfannenstiel- transverse 3cm above symphysis, 15cm long
Vertical- from symphysis to 1cm below umbilicus
What are some post operative complications of C-section?
endomyometriosis, wound infection/abcess, thromboembolic events, hematoma/seroma
What are the 3 types of fetal cord prolapse?
overt, occult, funic
Define: overt cord prolapse
entire/portion of cord prolapsed past presenting part
define; occult cord prolapse
portion of cord prolapsed alongside but not in front of presenting part
define: funic cord prolapse
presence of cord bn presenting part and membranes
What are 5 common obstetric emergencies?
Fetal cord prolapse, shoulder dystocia, abnormal fetal HR, third trimester bleeding (placental abruption or placenta previa), eclampsia
What are 4 MC third trimester bleeds that require immediate action?
abruption, previa, accreta, vasa previa
How does one manage a shoulder dystocia?
McRoberts Maneuver, suprapubic pressure, episiotomy, symphyiotomy, other maneuvers
What is an abnormal FHR?
abrupt deceleration on tracing with fetal bradycardia. occurs after an epidural when decr sympathetics. baby’s head squeezing really hard, vagal response
How is an FHR managed?
intrauterine resuscitation measures: maternal O2 mask, lateral decubitus, support mom’s bp tx tachysystole w/ tocolytics, c-section when needed