600-38 Gang Crime Flashcards
_________ shall be given high investigative and intelligence priority.
Gang crimes
_____ gang intelligence is the property of the Houston Police Department.
Except as authorized by this General Order, ____ or _____ of the department shall retain gang intelligence that has not been entered into Gang Tracker.
An exception to this is information relative to an active criminal investigation for which an incident report has been generated. At the conclusion of each investigation, all gang related information shall be forwarded to the ________.
individual, division; Gang Division
After _____ calendar days, all files on a suspected gang member shall be purged by the DGU if there is not enough information to document the person as a gang member.
Officers shall not maintain ________ once the information is entered into the Gang Tracker databas.
Gang Cards
The dissemination and purging of gang data is strictly controlled by ____ and _______.
state, Federal law
Entering the information into Gang Tracker and having the entry approved by a Gang Division intelligence officer is the only way HPD shall _______ an individual as a gang member.
officially recognize
Employees shall _______ when documenting a criminal street gang member.
follow state laws
Employees shall obtain and enter into Gang Tracker as much information as possible regarding the identity of the individual, including aliases, telephone numbers, places of employment, current address, and photographs in order to aide in the ________ and _______ of criminal street gang members and gang crimes.
investigation, identification
_______ shall maintain Gang Tracker.
The Gang Division
____________ is responsible for purging both adult and juvenile information from the Gang Tracker database.
The Gang Division
Adult criminal street gang information shall be purged from Gang Tracker after ___ years if the individual has not been arrested for criminal activity.
Records of juveniles ___ through ____years of age shall be purged after ____ years if the child has not been taken into custody for delinquent conduct or arrested for criminal activity.
10, 16, two
Except for ________, gang intelligence gathered by employees shall be submitted to the Gang Division via an incident report titled “Investigation Gang.”
gang member identifications
If facts indicate the incident or offense may have been ______, _____, or ______ by a criminal street gang, the incident report shall be coded as a gang crime by indicating a “YES” response under the offense title mandatory screen.
motivated, committed, or directed
The incident reporting system requires employees to indicate when an incident is gang related. Objective evidence in coding an incident or offense as a gang crime includes, but is not limited to, the following:
The incident was known or alleged to have been motivated by gang rivalry or gang retaliation.
The complainant, suspect, witness, or reportee was a known or suspected member of a criminal street gang.
***An exception would be for DWl, DWLS, or any other offense for which the incident would not likely have been committed in furtherance of the gang organization’s mission.
The modus operandi of the specific incident or offense suggested possible gang involvement (e.g., drive-by shooting, robbery, assault, murder, or any crime in which the complainant was targeted due to assumed gang affiliation based on clothing, race, or location).
The incident involved multiple suspects or complainants wearing the same or similar clothing (particularly the same color), or clothing displaying a specific name or symbol.
The suspect, complainant, witness, or reportee alleged possible involvement by a gang.
The incident or offense occurred in an area known for gang activity.
If Gang Division personnel are not available and there is reason to believe the incident may be gang related, officers shall code the report as a ______.
a gang crime.
Each patrol shall use the Gang Tracker for criminal justice purposes only. When accessing Gang Tracker information, employees shall NOT ……..
allow suspects or other citizens to view the information even if it is the citizen’s or suspect’s own information.
Because gang intelligence is a priority, each patrol division commander shall have a DGU and it shall be permanently staffed with at least _____ and _______.
one sergeant and two police officers
The Gang Division serves as the final authority in determining whether an incident or offense, except _____, shall be coded as a gang crime.
Except as noted below, employees are ______ from making statements or releasing information regarding any gang information or investigation to anyone who is not a department employee without prior approval from the _______ commander.
strictly prohibited; Gang Division
Sections 6-9