600-10 Towing Flashcards
When dealing with _______ employees shall not take action contrary to the City of Houston Code of Ordinances dealing with Auto Wreckers and Storage Yards (Chapter 8, Article III).
wreckers, towing of vehicles,and storage lots,
Contract Auto Wrecker
Any auto wrecker properly registered with the City of Houston under a Police Authorized Tow Service Agreement (PATSA), displaying the correct City of Houston wrecker medallion, and properly equipped to tow another vehicle
Heavy-Duty Wrecker
A wrecker having a chassis rated at five tons or greater by the vehicle manufacturer and a winch rated by the winch manufacturer as capable of lifting a minimum of 30,000 pounds.
Hooked Up
According to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, when a vehicle is fully prepared for transport by attachment to a wrecker, lifted in tow position, with tow lights and safety chains attached and, if required, placed on a dolly in a raised position and the only thing remaining is for the tow operator to drive away.
For the purpose of this General Order, an unplanned randomly occurring traffic event that adversely affects normal traffic operations.
Incident Management Tow
Any tow of a vehicle in which the wrecker is summoned to the scene of a traffic accident or to an incident, including the removal of a vehicle, commercial cargo, and/or commercial debris from a crash or incident scene.
Nonconsent Tow
A tow of a motor vehicle that is an incident management tow or a private property tow and is not a consent tow.
The owner of the vehicle towed or transported or any driver of the vehicle who reasonably appears to have authority to operate the vehicle.
Police Authorized Tow
Any tow authorized by a law enforcement officer. These tows are considered nonconsent tows.
Police Scene
For the purpose of this General Order, a scene requiring a police investigation, such as a vehicle crash, stolen vehicle recovery, or custodial arrest, or any other place a vehicle is subject to removal by a law enforcement officer. Tows from a police scene are considered nonconsent tows
Private Property Tow
Any tow of a vehicle authorized by a parking facility owner without the consent of the owner or operator of the vehicle.
Safe Clear
Under section 8-127 of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances, individual wrecker operators may establish a SafeClear Freeway Tow Agreement (SafeClear) with the City of Houston to provide towing or emergency road service on designated freeway segments.
Special Incident
A traffic scene that cannot be cleared by using only the services of a wrecker because of debris, special loads, or a vehicle of unmanageable size or condition
Towing Zone.
An area in the city of Houston within towing boundaries designated by the department’s Auto Dealers Detail to establish areas of responsibility for contract auto wreckers. Each contract auto wrecker is authorized to tow in one towing zone only (see section 19 of this General Order for exceptions). The towing zone boundary designations are kept on file in the Auto Dealers Detail.
TxDOT Scene.
A special incident occurring on specifically designated state highways and requiring a heavy-duty wrecker or other support equipment to clear the roadway of vehicles and/or debris
Vehicle Examination Building (VEB)
The location used to process vehicles for forensic evidence. The VES is operated by the Houston Forensic Science Center.
Vehicle Impound Lot (VIL)
The vehicle storage facility located at 1300 Dart and maintained by the department’s Property Division
Wrecker Driver License
Wrecker drivers performing nonconsent tows shall have a wrecker driver license issued by the City of Houston.
What are the three categories of wrecker driver licenses issued?
Private Property License, Police Authorized Tow Service Agreement (PATSA) License, SafeClear License
Private Property License
This license permits tows only from private property under a valid contract. The license shall state “Private Property Only.” The license holder cannot tow from any police scene unless called by the vehicle custodian.
Police Authorized Tow Service Agreement (PATSA) License
This license permits tows from private property under a valid contract and from police scenes with the exception of freeways. The license holder is allowed to tow from freeways if requested by a law enforcement officer or vehicle custodian.
SafeClear License
This license permits tows from any police scene including on and off the freeway. It also permits tows from private property under a valid contract.
Officers shall always use ______?
contract auto wreckers for police authorized tows.
Officers authorizing the towing of vehicles shall ensure ________?
they are moved quickly and safely.
When are “officers are empowered to order ANY contract auto wrecker to remove any wrecked or disabled vehicle a sufficient distance to clear the street for traffic”?
Under emergency conditions or when there are more disabled vehicles than wreckers present. When officers authorize tows under the above circumstances, a Houston Police Department Record of Vehicle Disposition/Wrecker Slip (wrecker slip) shall be completed and officers shall sign the slips as non consent tows.
What “steps shall be followed” when officers authorize incident management tows?
Officers shall:
ask the vehicle operator where he or she would like to have the vehicle towed
direct the wrecker driver to deliver the vehicle where the owner requested
If the owner is capable and willing to decide on a destination location for the vehicle, officers shall obtain the owner’s signature in the Owner/Operator’s Destination Authorization for Non consent Tow section of the wrecker slip
If the owner is not capable or is unwilling to decide on a destination location, officers shall have the vehicle towed as a non consent tow by a contract auto wrecker to a police private storage lot in the police scene’s towing zone
The City of Houston does not regulate towing, towing fees, storage fees, or towing destinations for which kind of tows?
consent tows
For______ the fee is set by City ordinance
non consent tows
When “the vehicle owner does not desire the vehicle to be towed, no charge shall be made and the vehicle owner shall be allowed to take possession of the vehicle” only if:
the vehicle owner is present at
arrives at the scene where an auto wrecker is attempting to tow a vehicle
if the vehicle has not been “lawfully” hooked up by the auto wrecker
What shall occur “if the motor vehicle has been lawfully hooked up to the wrecker but not towed from the scene and the owner does not desire the vehicle to be towed”?
A half-price towing fee (a.k.a. drop fee) will apply. In this case, the vehicle shall be released to the vehicle owner upon payment of one-half the regular towing fee. A wrecker driver is required to tell the owner when the drop fee applies.
If the vehicle has not been completely hooked up, ______________.
the wrecker driver must drop it for no charge.
Wrecker drivers performing non consent tows from a police scene shall have?
a City of Houston wrecker driver license prominently displayed on their person
The company identified on the driver license shall match the company displayed on the wrecker for the license to be valid.
Contract auto wreckers shall be registered for only one towing zone and may be utilized under PATSA only in that zone EXCEPT when:
The wrecker is owned by the owner of the vehicle being towed by the wrecker.
*NOTE: Officers shall ensure both vehicles are owned by the same person or company listed on the registration form or current bill of sale before allowing a wrecker to operate under this exception
The vehicle is being towed as part of a lawful repossession pursuant to a request by the lien holder.
wrecker’s owner does not have a place of business in the city of Houston
the wrecker is not used to perform any non consent tows in the city of Houston
the wrecker is operated in accordance with applicable state laws
At police scenes, officers shall ensure all wreckers:
Park as close to the curb as possible.
Not interfere with the flow of traffic.
Not park within a distance of 100 feet from a wrecked or stalled vehicle.
No person shall be allowed to ignite any flammable object within a distance of ______ in any direction from a crash scene or enter into the area with any type of burning material.
fifty feet
To avoid any appearance of impropriety, officers shall make a general broadcast (GB) whenever they need a wrecker.
Officers shall not:
Make prior arrangements or show favoritism in any form with any wrecker company or driver
Recommend any wrecker service (e.g., company, repair facility, towing location, or type of wrecker) to any owner.
Accept gifts, gratuities, or favors of any kind from wrecker drivers or wrecker owners.
Allow the number of wreckers at a scene to exceed the number required for the vehicles involved plus two additional wreckers to warn oncoming traffic.
Officers shall be held personally responsible for completing a wrecker slip in legible print for _____ tows from police scenes
When completing a wrecker slip and authorizing a tow from a police scene “officers shall ensure”:
If the vehicle has been reported stolen, the reportee’s name, address, and telephone number are listed on the wrecker slip
Any police private storage lot location listed on the wrecker slip is the exact location of the storage facility. ( *NOTE: The exception to this is in the completion of the wrecker slip for a seized vehicle. The location of the storage for a seized vehicle shall be listed as: 1200 Travis.)
The vehicle identification number (VIN) is listed on the wrecker slip. (*NOTE When the VIN cannot be located or is unreadable, “unavailable” shall be entered in the VIN field)
When arresting a driver for driving while intoxicated (DWI), to check the “Other” designation on the wrecker slip and write “DWI - unable to consent” underneath
Officers shall enter information for police authorized tows into RMS within ____ following the time the vehicle was towed.
one hour
Officers shall enter the tow information in the ___________one is required
Towed Vehicle/SafeClear/Abandoned Vehicle section of RMS or in an incident report if
When entering towing information about a vehicle believed to be stolen or stripped, officers shall provide on both the wrecker slip and the incident report complete and accurate information regarding:
missing vehicle parts, damage to the vehicle, and other pertinent details.
When a heavy-duty wrecker is needed for a non consent tow, the officer in charge of the scene shall allow only _______.
a properly permitted and equipped heavy-duty wrecker to tow the vehicle.
Officers using heavy-duty wreckers shall observe the following guidelines unless a clear and present emergency exists
If the scene is on a state highway, officers shall make a determination as to whether the scene is a special incident.
If the owner of the involved vehicle does not indicate a heavy-duty wrecker preference, officers shall ask the police dispatcher to dispatch a heavy-duty wrecker.
Officers shall allow only a heavy-duty wrecker to tow a disabled heavy-duty vehicle.
When a heavy-duty wrecker is dispatched, it shall be required to give its company name and an estimated time of arrival that is not to exceed 45 minutes.
If the dispatched wrecker has not arrived by the estimated time, the dispatcher, at the officer’s request, shall ask the heavy-duty wrecker company for an explanation concerning the delay and for a new estimated arrival time.
If a second wrecker is dispatched, only this wrecker shall be allowed to tow the vehicle for which it was called.
When complicated towing situations are encountered, officers are advised to consider the counsel of the heavy-duty wrecker driver
Prisoners are responsible for the disposition of their vehicles unless ________.
such vehicles are subject to a
non consent tow
are needed as evidence.
In all other instances, an officer shall release a prisoner’s vehicle to a passenger or third party if all of the following apply:
A. The vehicle is mechanically safe and not stolen or evidence in a crime, and there is proof of financial responsibility for the vehicle.
B. The prisoner wishes to release the vehicle to a passenger or third party that is at the scene, not under arrest, in possession of a valid driver license, and not intoxicated.
An officer may, at the officer’s discretion, give an arrested person the option of leaving the arrestee’s vehicle at the scene of the arrest or location. The vehicle may be left at the scene if it is ______.
legally parked.
If the vehicle is to remain on private property, permission shall be obtained from
the property’s owner or manager.
In any of the above scenarios (third party or vehicle left at the scene), officers shall note all pertinent information on a wrecker slip and all applicable forms and reports. This information includes, but is not limited to:
Any location where the vehicle was left.
Any location to which the vehicle was towed.
The complete information on any other involved persons.
Any involved private property owner’s information.
The prisoner shall sign the wrecker slip in the appropriate place to indicate the choice of disposition.
If the prisoner is not present or is unwilling or unable to select from the disposition alternatives, the arresting officer shall
have the vehicle towed as a non consent tow by a contract auto wrecker to a police private storage lot in the arrest scene’s towing zone.
Officers shall not operate a prisoner’s vehicle unless
an emergency or exigent circumstance exists.
If an officer must move a prisoner’s vehicle
it shall be moved only as far as necessary to make the situation safe or to accomplish the police mission.
Whenever an officer authorizes a non consent tow of a prisoner’s vehicle, the officer shall
personally conduct an inventory of items in the vehicle including any and all containers not secured by a lock
shall complete a wrecker slip
_________ shall be removed from a seized vehicle prior to it being towed by an approved contract auto wrecker.
All personal property
Everything not belonging to the vehicle shall be removed and handled in accordance with General Orders:
700-01, Property/Evidence Control Regulations
700-03, Inventory of Prisoner’s Property
If an officer needs to report towing information for a stolen vehicle and is not able to do so through RMS, the officer shall contact __________.
the Records Division’s Auto Theft Section or their tow line.
Whenever a stolen vehicle or a vehicle suspected of being stolen is recovered (whether or not it is occupied or operable), the re-recovering officer shall
Attempt to contact the owner or complainant. The contact or attempted contact shall be documented in the narrative of the officer’s report.
Advise the owner of the location and condition of the vehicle and determine how the vehicle is to be handled.
Attempt to lift or have fingerprints lifted at the scene before the vehicle is removed.
Have the vehicle removed as a nonconsent tow if the owner cannot be contacted or indicates no preference for disposition.
If the owner or complainant is contacted and indicates a preference for disposition of the vehicle, the officer shall wait no longer than ___________ for the owner or the owner’s towing choice to arrive.
If the owner or the towing choice has not arrived within the allotted time, the officer shall have the vehicle removed as a non-consent tow unless the owner has chosen ___________.
45 minutes; to leave it at the scene
Officers shall follow the below guidelines when a vehicle stolen outside the city limits of Houston is recovered inside the city limits of Houston:
should have the vehicle towed by a contract auto wrecker to a police private storage lot
If the reporting agency requests a forensic examination, the officer shall request a City wrecker to transport the vehicle to the appropriate facility
officer should also provide the vehicle’s storage location to the reporting agency that submitted the TCIC/NCIC stolen entry
Vehicles stolen outside the city limits of Houston and recovered inside Houston shall NOT be towed to the _______.
Vehicle Examination Building (VEB).
Whenever a vehicle is found and it is stolen or suspected of being stolen, officers shall do one of the following, as applicable:
Generate a report titled Investigation Auto Theft AND indicate within the body of the report the vehicle’s disposition and why it is believed to be stolen.
Supplement the stolen vehicle report (or initiate a report if the theft occurred outside of Houston).
When a suspected stolen vehicle is found on private property and the vehicle owner cannot be contacted, it is up ___________ to remove the vehicle as a private property tow.
to the private property owner or manager
Whenever any vehicle is submerged in water, the HPD _____ may use a ______ to remove it.
Dive Team; heavy duty wrecker
If an officer locates an unoccupied vehicle in which the VIN has been removed, obliterated, or changed, the officer shall
have the vehicle towed by a City wrecker to the Property Division’s Vehicle Impound Lot (VIL)
follow all procedures described above for the disposition of stolen vehicles
As it pertains to a vehicle with a VIN which has been removed, obliterated, or changed an officer shall consult a supervisor in the Auto Theft Division before taking further action when:
the vehicle is occupied
is involved in a TxDOT controlled scene
cannot be stored at the Property Division’s VIL
is claimed to be owned by a person
When an officer receives a call from a wrecker driver wanting to tow a vehicle from private property and reports the vehicle’s VIN has been removed, obliterated, or changed the officer shall:
inspect the vehicle
shall also file an Investigation Auto Theft report
have the vehicle towed by a City wrecker to the Property Division’s Vehicle Impound Lot (VIL)
When arson is suspectsed and after the arson investigation (burned vehicle) has been completed, the police officer in charge of the scene shall:
If police personnel arrive before arson investigators, the scene shall be secured as in other criminal investigations
have the vehicle towed to the department’s VIL by a City wrecker
make a supplement recovery report, initiate an original theft report, or make an Investigation Auto Theft report if the vehicle has not been reported as a stolen vehicle.
provide arson investigators with the department’s incident number
obtain the Arson Division’s case number for inclusion in the initial or supplement report.
As it pertains to burned vehicle, when no criminal activity is suspected, and a burned vehicle can be identified by the VIN, the officer on the scene shall:
contact the Auto Theft Division for authorization for the burned vehicle to be towed to a location other than the VIL
Upon receiving such authorization, the burned vehicle shall be towed in a manner consistent with this General Order.
A hold shall not be placed on a vehicle unless
authorization has been provided by the appropriate division.
Vehicles placed on hold shall NOT be towed to a _______ lot.
police private storage
All vehicles marked “hold” shall be transported by _____ to the department’s ____.
city wrecker; vehicle impound lot (VIL).
Vehicles authorized for examination or processing for physical evidence shall be transported to the _____ by a _____.
Vehicle Examination Building (VEB); city wrecker
Once the examination has been completed the vehicle shall be transported to the ____ where it shall be stored until the hold is released.
vehicle impound lot (VIL)
Vehicles being held for court disposition shall be held at the ____.
vehicle impound lot (VIL)
The following four entries on the wrecker slip are mandatory and shall be completed when a hold is placed on a vehicle:
Name of division requesting the hold
Incident number
Name and employee number of the officer authorizing the hold
Reason for the hold
In order for a division to authorize a hold, the vehicle must be _____________.
wanted for examination or seizure.
No vehicle shall be placed on hold for obtaining valid information on the owner EXCEPT:
vehicles found to be involved in a Failure to Stop and Render Aid (FSRA) crash
If an investigator wants to be notified when someone attempts to recover a vehicle from the VEB, the VIL, or a police private storage lot (e.g., from a FSRA crash), the notation _______ shall be placed on the top of the wrecker slip
“Information Needed by Investigator”
Officers shall continue to complete a wrecker slip for the seized vehicle, marking it ____________. Officers shall enter _______ as the location of storage.
“07 Other Reason: Seizure.”; “1200 Travis”
A suspicious vehicle is any vehicle the investigating officer (at the time the incident report is made) has reason to believe was involved in an but ______the offense and the vehicle.
no suspects are known to be directly related to both
Suspects directly related to a _______ must be listed in an incident report before the vehicle can be classified as a _______.
suspicious vehicle; wanted vehicle
When situations arise and there is no clear directive, officers shall contact ____ for directions.
ADD (Auto Dealers Detail)
When a vehicle is blocking a moving lane of traffic or is causing an obvious traffic hazard, the officer shall __________.
have the vehicle removed as a non-consent tow.
When a vehicle is parked on a public street, but presents no traffic hazard, there shall be a minimum parking of_____ parking tickets issued against the vehicle for being parked in excess of 24 hours on a public street before the vehicle is removed as a nonconsent tow.
Trailers of any kind (e.g., semi, pole, or house), either attached or unattached to a motor vehicle, may be towed if left on a ________ for a period of time in excess of ______.
public street of the city; two hours
___________ shall not be parked on the city streets between ____ hours.
Commercial vehicles; 0200 and 0600;
Large vehicles are not allowed to park on any street or highway in any residential district and shall be towed as non-consent tows, EXCEPT:
In the process of being loaded or unloaded.
Performing a service visit.
Leased or borrowed and parked for a period of not more than 72 hours.
Any vehicle towed from a police scene on a freeway, shall be towed by one of the following
A SafeClear wrecker.
A tow operator who is called to the scene by the vehicle owner and who arrives at the location of such vehicle before the law enforcement officer in charge of the scene directs the removal of the vehicle. The tow operator may include, but is not limited to, an auto wrecker operated by an automobile club, insurance company, or other person having a contractual obligation to provide the vehicle owner with towing services.
Any contract auto wrecker operator if a SafeClear wrecker is unavailable.
If a vehicle has been left for longer than______ and ______the officer is authorized to have the vehicle removed as a non-consent tow.
five times the maximum time limit that may be purchased from the meter; has accumulated five tickets,
A vehicle left downtown shall
not be treated differently than any other vehicle authorized by a police officer to be towed as a non consent tow.
Only ____or specifically trained _____officers shall tow vehicles for sale on public or private property.
_____ and ______ allows _______to authorize the tow of vehicles illegally parked in tow away zones located in residential parking permit areas.
State law, City ordinance; City of Houston Parking Management Division employees
No employee shall have any ownership or interest in any wrecker or storage facility required to be permitted under the provisions of ________of the Houston Code of Ordinances.
Chapter 8, Article III
Contract auto wreckers are allowed to operate outside of their assigned towing zones in any of the following situations:
A vehicle owner calls the auto wrecker to the scene.
The officer in charge of the scene GBs for a contract auto wrecker. Officers are allowed to use or call contract auto wreckers out of their assigned towing zones only when one or more of the following situations exist:
- An emergency condition exists as stated in section 1, subsection “Emergency Use” of this General Order.
- The situation is a non-consent tow, there are no area contract auto wreckers available, and no area contract auto wreckers shall become available.