600-31 Burglar, Hold-Up, and Panic Alarms Flashcards
The department shall not charge for responding to the first three false _______ or the first false ______ at a permitted site during a ____ period.
burglar alarm calls, holdup or panic alarm call, 12 month
The department shall respond to all holdup and panic alarm calls regardless of _______.
permit status
An alarm that is activated by weather or other natural phenomenon.
Exceptional Alarm (XCP)
An alarm that is not the result of weather, natural phenomenon, or an emergency or threat of emergency of the kind for which the alarm system was designed to give notice
False Alarm (FAL)
The location of the call for service is not within the city limits of Houston
Not Within HPD Jurisdiction (JUR).
An alarm that is false and the responding officer issues the alarm user a citation for non-emergency activation of a burglar, holdup, or panic alarm.
Ticket (TIC).
An alarm that results from the activation of an alarm system in response to an emergency or threat of emergency
True Alarm (TAL)
The responding officer is unable to locate the address indicated on the call for service
Unable to Locate (UTL)
Exceptions to the permit requirement are an alarm system:
Installed on a motor vehicle.
Designed so notification is not given to the police until after the occupants or an agent of the owner or lessee have inspected the alarm site and determined there is physical evidence showing the alarm was the result of criminal activity, and the occupants or their agent is at the scene and able to grant access to the alarm site.
Designed solely to detect smoke or give notice of fire or smoke.
An “exempt permit” is required for an alarm system installed on premises occupied by the United States government or the government of the state of Texas, the City of Houston, or any county. Officers shall ________ alarm clearance code to clear alarm calls to such locations.
NOT use the Ticket (TIC)
State law requires a police response within ___ minutes of an alarm notification in order to classify the alarm as false for assessment of false alarm response fees. This does not preclude issuance of citations to owners or operators of non-permitted alarm systems that are not reached within 30 minutes of alarm notification.
Owners or operators of _______ burglar alarm systems are subject to citations for failing to obtain the proper permit and alarm response fees beginning with the first false alarm response
non permitted
A permit holder shall be penalized for a false alarm call only if the Police Department ……
responds to the alarm site within 30 minutes of the alarm notification.
A burglar alarm system that has had ______ false alarms during the preceding 12-month period shall be revoked and may be placed in a “do not respond” status.
eight or more
The only exception to the “do not respond” policy is alarms
reported by an individual not affiliated with an alarm company.
Holdup and panic alarm calls shall _________.
receive a police response regardless of permit status.
Officers clearing alarm calls with the Exceptional Alarm clearance code shall
provide an explanation for the clearance code via the mobile computer device. An alarm call shall not be cleared until the responding officer has physically checked the alarm location.
If an owner or operator of an alarm system is at the scene of a non-permitted alarm system, the responding officer _______ issue the appropriate citation.
If an owner or operator of an alarm system is not at the scene when an officer responds to an alarm call that is determined to be a false alarm, the officer shall
place a notice or decal at or on the doorway or principal entry to such site noting the responding
officer’s name
unit number
incident number
Patrol sergeants shall
monitor burglar alarm calls for service.
It is a patrol supervisor’s discretion to
to cancel an alarm call at a site that has demonstrated a history of producing excessive false burglar alarms.
Read Sections
ECD and Alarm Enforcement Detail