6. Realist Explanations Of C&D Flashcards
What do Realists see crime as?
A very real problem that needs solutions, not just explanations
What type of approach do realists take?
They take a victim-centred approach
What do left realists believe causes crime?
See inequality as the main underlying cause of crime, we should be tough on the crime & the causes of crime
What do right realists blame crime on?
Blame the welfare state and a breakdown in informal and formal social controls, Should be tough on the criminal
What survey do left realists refer to and their approaches to crime?
-Refer to The Islington Crime Survey to show crime is a really serious problem -They focus on street crime
-Reforming capitalism only real way forward.
What are the main 3 left realist explanations?
-Relative deprivation
Left realist explanations: What is relative deprivation?
Not deprivation itself that leads to crime but feeling of deprivation in comparison to others. As nations have become richer crime has increased, showing the role of materialism. Bulimic society.
Left realist explanations: Subcultures
-The formation of subcultures is linked to relative deprivation and marginalisation
-Those who share a sense of deprivation group together to find a place they ‘fit in’
-Can encourage criminality.
Left realist explanations: Marginalisation
-Those on the edges of society who lack clearly defined goals and involvement in society.
-Feel socially excluded, abandoned and frustrated, leading to violence and rioting.
-Employment would prevent this.
Describe a Bulimic society
-Media saturated world creates a smorgasbord of consumer goods
-‘Good’ life depends on having these products and lifestyles.
-Seeing this lifestyle but cannot afford, dissatisfaction, disappointment, frustration and anger.
-This is called relative deprivation
What is the ‘Toxic mix’?
-Toxic mix tends to lead to criminal behaviour
-Young people feel excluded from society turning to anti-social behaviour for the buzz & excitement they desire.
-Those without money need to create own fun, committing crime gives thrill & excitement to otherwise dull lives
Which postmodernists call the toxic mix ‘Edgework’ and ‘The seductions of crime’?
Lyng - ‘Edge work’
Katz - ‘The seductions of crime’
What are the four elements that make up the square of crime?
-Formal social control
-Informal social control
Strengths of Left Realism
-Doesn’t glamorise crime, takes importance of tackling crime and fear seriously
-Recognises crime has devastating effects for most deprived areas.
-Sees importance of community solutions to crime.
-Draws on work of other sociologists to produce a fuller explanation for crime
Limitations of Left Realism
-Neglects other responses to relative deprivation and marginality apart from crime.
-Neglects gender as a significant issue
-‘Left Realism’ tends to be part of a more male stream criminology
-Doesn’t pay attention to white collar crime
What traits do Right realists believe in?
-People should take responsibility for their own actions
-Problem is people are selfish, make bad choices, people have poor socialisation leading to wrong norms and values being followed.
Right Realist Explanations: Biological differences (Wilson & Hernstein)
-Some people are innately predisposed to commit crime
-Main cause of crime is low intelligence which they say is biologically determined.
-High proportion of prison population: low literacy levels, no qualifications, unemployed
Right Realist Explanations: Inadequate socialisation (Charles Murray)
-People from the underclass develop a culture of dependancy, lack of discipline, criminality & laziness
-Overgenerous welfare payments to blame, increase in single mothers with iligitimate children.
Right Realist Explanations: Rational Choice & opportunity theories (Wilson)
-Crime is matter of rational choice
-Assumed people look out for themselves weighing up risks and benefits for their own selfish outcomes
-Street crime benefit has tipped to much in favour of criminals as risk of getting caught has become low
-Formal & informal controls are weakening
Right Realist Explanations: Routine Action theory (Clarke & Felon)
-Crime is opportunistic and not planned
-If individuals motivated to commit a crime encounter an easy opportunity crime likely to occur
-3 conditions need to be in place: Individual motivated to offend, suitable target of the crime, lack of capable guardian of the target
-Right realists answer is to make it harder to commit crime
Right Realist Explanations: Broken Window Thesis (Wilson & Kelling)
-Failure to deal with low level crime can encourage an escalation of crime and anti-social behaviour.
-Police should take a zero-tolerance approach to low level deterioration
Strengths of Right Realism
-Addresses the immediate causes of crime and provides policies for reducing the opportunities
-Recognises importance of community control and responses to crime like left realism.
Weaknesses of Right realism?
-Doesn’t address the wider structural causes of crime
-Doesn’t pay attention to white collar or corporate crime.
-Suggests offenders act rationally, weighing up costs and benefits but some crime are impulsive and don’t bring obvious gain.