3. Subultural Theories Of Crime And Deviance Flashcards
What are most subcultural theorists?
What was Cohen’s theory?
Status frustration
Cohen’s status frustration
-Young people who cannot succeed legitimately experience status frustration
-WC youths road to success is blocked
-Stuck at bottom of social structure, lack opportunity, feel invisible
-They feel denied a status, joining delinquent subcultures where being good at crime gains status and respect.
Cohen’s Status frustration: What values do delinquent subcultures exhibit?
-Reversal of accepted forms of behaviour
-Revenge for being denied a status in society
Cohen’s Status frustration: What does being denied a status in society lead to?
-Frustration at life
-Form/joining a delinquent subculture
-Resulting in crime and deviance
What was Cloward and Ohlin’s theory?
Subcultural opportunities
Cloward and Ohlin’s subcultural opportunities
-Working class youths face blocked opportunities but how young people repsond based on their neighbourhood and opportunities to join a subculture.
-Not only do people have different legitimate life chances they also have different deviant life chances.
Cloward and Ohlin’s subcultural opportunities: What were the three subcultures they identitified?
- Criminal subculture
- Conflict subculture
- Retreatist subculture
Cloward and Ohlin’s subcultural opportunities: Describe Criminal subculture
-Exist in stable WC communities where theres already an established pattern of adult crime.
-Provides an alternate career path with training opportunities
-Characterised by utilitarian crime eg theft
-Adult criminals have high expectations and maintain social control
Cloward and Ohlin’s subcultural opportunities: Describe conflict subcultures
-Arise in disorganised areas lacking social cohesion
-High population turnover prevents formation of stable criminal networks
-Characterised by violence, gang warfare, mugging
Cloward and Ohlin’s subcultural opportunities: Describe Retreatist subcultures
-‘Double fail’ lack of success in society and criminal subcultures
-Response is to retreat into addiction funded by petty theft and shop lifting
What was Miller’s theory?
Focal Concerns
Miller’s focal concerns
-Working class male subculture has existed for centuries revolving around specific characteristics, focal concerns
-These alternate views carry a risk of lawbreaking, conformity to the lower WC subculture that leads to delinquency.
Miller’s focal concerns: What are the 5 focal concerns
- Excitement and thrills
- Toughness
- Smartness
- Autonomy and freedom
- Trouble
What are matza’s conventional values?
Behaviour control are in place at school, work etc
What are Matza’s subterranean values?
Values of sexuality, greed, aggression which have a rightful place and are controlled elsewhere.
According to Matza what are delinquents more likely to behave according to?
-Subterranean values in inappropriate situations or ways.
-Delinquents justify their crimes, convincing themselves the law doesn’t apply to them
-They use techniques of neutralisation to justify their crimes
Matza: What are the 5 techniques of neutralisation?
- Denial of responsibility
- Denial of the victims
- Denial of harm
- Condemnation of condemners
- Appeal to higher loyalties
Evaluating Subcultural Theories: What’s good?
-Builds on Merton showing young people in groups become deviant which is ignored
-Marginalised young people do claim to feel invisible
-Left realist criminologists find subcultural theories very useful building on them to create their own theory
Evaluating Subcultural Theories: Criticisms
-Matza = delinquents not really different to anyone else they just don’t control their subterranean urges well.
-These theories give an explanation but don’t tackle underlying structural inequalities
-Ignore white collar crime and state crime. Only useful for gang based street crime