5. Labelling Theories Of C&D Flashcards
What are social actionists mostly concerned with?
Who is labelled as deviant or criminal and why they are
What do labelling theorists argue?
-C&D socially constructed
-Society creates deviance by creating rules: formal & informal
-Gov & CJS responsible for deciding what acts are criminal (moral entrepreneurs)
-Deviant label only applied to some people and an action only becomes deviant when the label is successfully applied.
Why are labelling theorists not interested in explaining the reasons for criminal behaviour?
-Labels can be applied wrongly ie false accusations
-Some criminals are not labelled at all
What did Becker say about police?
-The way the police operate leads to someone being criminal or not
-Police have preconceived ideas about who is ‘trouble’
-Inevitable that targeted areas expose more crime
Becker: What does a criminal label contain and the process?
-Criminal labels contains an evaluation of a person
-The label is internalised affecting there self concept which may lead to them acting deviantly, the label is reinforced
-Strong label becomes there master status
-They may turn to deviant subcultures to be accepted
-Deviant label leads to a deviant career and the label becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
What does Lemert distinguish between?
Primary and secondary deviance as a way to identify a criminal acts that have been committed but not labelled and criminal acts which have been labelled.
Define Primary deviance
Deviance that has not been publicly labelled as such.
Define secondary deviance
Deviance that follows once a person has been publicly labelled as deviant
What does Stan Cohen say about the media?
The media through exaggerated and sensationalised reporting of crime can whip up a moral panic through process of labelling folk devils
Define Folk Devil
People that present a threat to society and a reminder of what we should not be
Define Deviancy Amplification
The way the media creates / makes worse the very problems they condemn
Strengths of labelling theory (3)
-Provides insights into nature of deviance not provided by structural theories.
-Challenges idea deviants are different to normal people
-Shows importance of stereotyping in understanding deviance
Weaknesses of labelling theory (3)
-Assumes an act isn’t deviant until its labelled as such
-Tends to remove the blame of deviance onto those who define him/her as deviant
-Too deterministic
Incestuous Tribe and public shaming case study (Malinowski)
-Incest between cousins seen as deviant but day to day was ignored
-One young man was publicly accused of it by rivals in front of whole community
-Suicide seen as only course of action
Negotiation of justice (Cicourel) case study
-Process of dealing with potential deviants involves the police etc making judgements which are often based on pre-conceived ideas
-Decision to arrest suspect is partially based on appearance , manner and replies given to police
The Naughty Jury (Box) case study
-Box selected for a jury trail for a women accused of theft
-Money stolen was small amount but she was found guilty.
-After the jury started discussing how they were going to fiddle out of pocked expenses by inflated amounts
-He pointed out memebers of the jury ended up fiddling more money than women they has just convicted.
The Saints and the Roughecks Case study (Chambliss)
-Saints were lads from white M/C backgrounds, constantly involved in deviant behaviour
-Roughnecks were lads from W/C backgrounds who were constantly in trouble with the police even though their rate of delinquency was similar.
-Saints used status/reputation to get themselves out of classes, homework etc
-Roughnecks percieved as typical gang members, police looked for oppotunity to arrest then
-Selective perception and labelling results in s,e people seen as deviant and not others