6: Darwin Flashcards
What were the two main theories around before Darwin’s theory of the origin of species?
Catastrophism: The earth’s geological features arose due to a few sudden
Uniformitarianism: There was no one big event but several smaller one
What is catastrophism?
The earth’s geological features arose due to a few sudden
What is uniformitariansim
There was no one big event but several smaller one
What were the main ideas of the origin of species?
Natural selection where traits are aquired through DNA and the strongest are able to survive and pass on their genetics to their children. Only the most advantagous genes therefore continue
What ideas were around before the publication of the origin of species?
Intelligent design: Humans were created by a person such as God who designed everything to look the way it does
Evolution by inheritance of aquired characteristics: Popular theory by Lamarck that if we aquire something in our lifetime such as a long neck, we pass in onto our children
What was the idea of intelligent design that was around before the publication of the origin of species?
Humans were created by a person such as God who designed everything to look the way it does
What was the idea of evolution by inheritance of quired characteristics that was around before the publication of the origin of species?
Popular theory by Lamarck that if we aquire something in our lifetime such as a long neck, we pass in onto our children
Who created the theory of evolution by inheritance of quired characteristics?
Which population geographer was Darwin influenced by?
Malthus (Essay on the principle of population)
What were the main ideas of Malthus?
When populations expand faster than resources are avaliable, there are ‘positive checks’ to bring the population back under control
What are some examples of ‘positive checks’ outlined by Malthus?
Famine or disease
What psychological writings did Darwin publish?
Desent of man
Expression of emotions in men and animals
Wrote in the first publication of Mind
What were the main ideas of The Decent of Man?
Humans are just a more evolved animal species
We all came from the same evolutionary place
Sexual selection: We select certain advantagous characteristics in mates
What is sexual selection?
We select certain advantageous characteristics in mates. This is both to help offspring to survive and to ensure our own survival
Women prefer stronger, fitter males as they would be better able to provide for the family and offer protection while giving offspring good genes
What were the main ideas of Expression of Emotions in Animals and Men?
Emotions are adaptive and have natural function
What did Darwin write in the first publication of Mind?
Made observations of his son and discovered we are born with reflexes
Who has applied Darwin’s ideas to the social world?
Spencer: Competition and survival of the fittest
Galton: Eugenics
How did Galton apply Darwin’s ideas to the social world?
Eugenics: Selecting human traits to breed a better population
What are the political issues with Darwin’s ideas?
It argues that everything is adaptive so everything that excists is a good thing
Has been used to justify things such as racism, poverty and rape