6. CCD and CMOS Flashcards
The oldest indirect-conversion digital radiography systems used to acquire the digital image
Charged-Coupled Devices (CCD)
In a CCD system:
- X-ray photons interact with a scintillation
material and the signal is transmitted by lenses
or fiber optics to the CCD. - During the transmission process, the lenses
reduce the size of the projected visible light
image. - Transfer the image to one or small capacitors
that convert the light into an electrical charge. - This charge is stored in a sequential pattern
released line by line and sent to an analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
Charged-Coupled Devices (CCD) chip is made up of a
polysilicon layer, a silicon dioxide layer, and a silicon substrate
coated with a photosensitive material & contains
the electronic gates
Polysilicon Layer
an insulator
Silicon Dioxide Layer
contains the charge storage area
Silicon Substrate
Bucket Brigade Scheme (CCD)
1. Each pixel or detector element (del) contains three electrodes that hold the electrons in an electrical potential well. 2. The dels are formed by voltage gates that opens and closes like gates to allow the flow of electrons. 3. To collect the charge on the silicon chips, the voltage sign within each del is change, moving the electrons by rows down the columns until the readout row is reached
detector element
Most CCD chips range from ____
2 to 4 cm
The scintillator 2 main Types of Phosphors
- Structured
- Unstructured
produce more light spread when stimulated by X-rays, thereby decreasing the efficiency of the detector
powder-like grains
Unstructured (Gadolinium oxysulfide)
Unstructured phosphor used in Digital Radiography
Gadolinium oxysulfide (Gd2O2S)
allows greater detection of X-rays
than Gd2O2S scintillator
almost no light spread
spatial resolution is higher
needlelike crystals
Structured (Cesium Iodide)
Structured phosphor used in Digital Radiography
Cesium Iodide (CsI)
Powder phosphors used for Computed Radiography
Barium Fluoride Bromide
Needle phosphors used for Computed Radiography
Cesium Bromide
used to focus light onto the CCD chip
- Lens
- Fiberoptics
The amount of electrons produced relative to the incident light from the scintillator is the _______ of the CCD
quantum efficiency (Detective Quantum Efficiency)
3 Common Noise Types
- Statistical noise
- Dark current noise
- Amplification noise
noise created by the lack of light
photons from the scintillator
Statistical Noise
occurs when the CCD chip operates
without radiation stimulation
Dark Current Noise
common to digital systems
Amplification Noise
during manufacturing, some pixels may not
work, the more bad pixels present, the worse the detector efficiency
Amplification Noise
the ____ the cost of the CCD, the ___ the number of defects
CCD Applications
- Digital Fluoroscopy
- Stereotactic Breast Biopsy
- Digital Mammography
- General Radiography
In general radiography, CCD’s may be tiled in a ____ to a single CCD
16 x 12 array
CCD Advantages
- Relatively inexpensive and much more simple
2. Modular design, easy to repair, replace & upgrade
CCD Greatest Disadvantages
- Demagnification requires pixel to reduce in
size, which reduces DQE
Complementary Metal Oxide
Semiconductors Systems
developed by NASA
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductors Systems (CMOS)
use a scintillator that when struck by X-ray photons, convert the X-rays into light
photons and store them in capacitors
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductors Systems (CMOS)
each pixel or detector element (del) has its
own amplifier, which is switched off and on
by circuitry within the pixel, converting the
light photons into electrical charges
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductors Systems (CMOS)
is a semiconductor
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductors Systems (CMOS)
is a solid chemical element or compound that conducts electricity under
some conditions, making it a good medium for
the control of electrical current
move photogenerated charge from pixel to pixel and convert it to voltage at output node
imagers convert charge to voltage inside each pixel
most popular semiconductor
base material for most integrated circuit
Antimony (Sb) atomic number
Boron (B) atomic number
Arsenic (As) atomic number
Carbon (C) atomic number
Germanium (Ge) atomic number
Selenium (Se) atomic number
Sulfur (S) atomic number
Tellurium (Te) atomic number
Silicon (S) atomic number
greater pixel fill factor
more susceptible to noise
lower light sensitivity
uses very little power
lower quality
lower sensitivity
lower resolution
Charged-coupled device is based on the principle of _____
Photoelectric effect
represents the number of electrons it collected, then this information is sent to the computer
CCD’s uses a thin wafer of ______ to produce electrons from photons because it easily releases electrons with visible light