5.Generating Strategic Options Flashcards
What is corporate governance?
The system by which companies are directed and controlled, objectives are set and means of attaining and monitoring are determined
What is the main objective of corporate governance?
To contribute to improved performance and accountability in creating long term shareholder value
What are the 4 main aims of corporate governance?
- Increased disclosure
- Running legally and ethically
- Confidence to investors
- Increased transparency at board level
What are the 5 commonly accepted principles of corporate governance?
- Leadership (chairman/CEO)
- Effectiveness (balance skills/non exec)
- Accountability (position)
- Remuneration (transparent)
- Relations with shareholders
What 4 elements of corporate governance will improve strategy?
- Balance
- Diversity
- Control
- Investor confidence
What are the 4 ethical stances?
- Short term shareholder
- Long term shareholder
- Multiple stakeholder
- Shaper of society
What are the 5 fundamental principles of CIMA’s code of ethics?
- Confidentiality
- Integrity
- Professional competence and due care
- Objectivity
- Professional behaviour
What are the 4 types of threat to the fundamental principles?
- Self interest
- Self review
- Advocacy
- Familiarity
- Intimidation
What are 5 types of internal safeguard to ethics?
- Reporting guidelines
- Ethical, open culture
- Tone from the top
- Disciplinary procedures
- Internal audit
What are 5 types of external safeguard to ethics?
- Education/training
- Corp governance regulations
- Professional standards
- Monitoring
- External audit
What are the 4 steps to responding to an ethical dilemma?
- Awareness (consider all)
- Application (context of fundamental principles)
- Ask (internal procedures)
- Alternative options
What are the 5 stages of alternative options when responding to an ethical dilemma?
- Consult line manager
- Consult CIMA
- Seek counsel
- Cut off from assignment
- Resign
What is the main benefit and drawback of a rules based approach to ethics in an organisation?
Pro - Easy to follow and consistent
Con - May be possible to find loopholes
What is the main benefit and drawback of a framework based approach to ethics in an organisation?
Pro - cannot legislate for all eventualities
Con - May leave to inconsistency and confusion
What is an organisation’s mission?
It’s fundamental objective expression in general terms (why do we do what we do?)
What are the 4 considerations when setting detailed objectives from the mission, in relation to strategy?
- Goal congruence between objectives and strategy
- Need to be SMART
- Financial and non financial
- Conflicting interests of stakeholders
What are vision statements?
The ideal state that the company wishes to achieve
What 4 elements should mission statements contain?
- Purpose
- Strategy
- Behavioural standards
- Values
What are objectives?
Specific outcomes that are to be achieved
What are goals, in relation to objectives?
Objectives are the quantification of goals
What 3 things do objectives need to be effective?
- Consistent over time
- Horizontally consistent
- Vertically consistent
What are the 3 E’s of objectives for not for profit organisations?
- Efficiency
- Economy
- Effectiveness