5A Classical conditioning Flashcards
The process of gaining knowledge or skills resulting from experience
Behavoiurist approaches
An approach to learning that states that behaviours are learned through interactions with the environment
- Classical conditioning
- Operant conditioning
A learned
process where an organisms behaviour
is dependent
on an event
or stimulus
occuring in its environment
An environmental event that triggers a response in an organism
A behavioural reaction to a stimulus
Type of response in classical conditioning and examples
Involuntary or reflexive one that occurs automatically and unconsciously
blinking in response to dust blowing in your eyes on a windy day or salivating in response to your favourite freshly baked cookies
When and who did the classical conditioning research
- around 1900
- psychologist Ivan Pavlov
Pavlov’s study
What he was studying
the role of saliva in dogs digestion
What he made
equipment to measure the amount of saliva that dogs produced in response to food in front of them
What he noticed
dogs started to salivate as soon as the person feeding them entered the room
What he then did
experimented with other stimuli to see if they also produced salivation
Classical conditioning
- Involuntary learning
- occurs through repeated associations between 2 stimuli to produce a conditioned response
Three-phase process of classical conditioning
- before conditioning
- during conditioning
- after conditioning
Before conditioning
- first stage where no learnning has taken place yet
- Unconditioned stimulus
produces an: - Unconditioned response
- Neutral stimulus
no response
During conditioning
- second stage of classical conditioning, where learning occurs through association
- Neutral stimulus
is repeatedly presented immediately before the: - Unconditioned stimulus
multiple times, and the UCS produces the: - Unconditioned response
After conditioning
The final stage of classical conditioning
- Neutral stimulus
is now the: - Conditioned stimulus
it now produces the: - Conditioned response
process where organism learns to associate two events (NS and UCS)
Unconditioned stimulus
stimulus that produces a naturally occuring