570 Data Sheets Flashcards
Positive material identification
API 578
Fitness for service
API 579
Risked based inspection
API 580
Valve inspection and testing
API 598
Cathodic protection
API 651
Welding on in-service equipment containing flammables
API 2201
NDE Procedure guidelines
ASME Section V
Design code for fabrication of piping relief devices
Welder and weld procedure qualification
ASME Section IX
NDE personnel qualifications
Code to follow when performing in internal inspection on pipe
API 510
API 570 Scope (Alteration, Inspection, Repair, Rerate
API 570 Repair Organization (authorized by jurisdiction, owner, contractor )
API 570 AI’s Employer (jurisdiction, user, insurance company, contractor)
Determine corrosion rate for new service or change in service (same or similar service, owner’s experience, published data, or inspect in 3 months
Primary responsibilities of API 570 AI (testing, inspection, examination)
Define - Alteration
Physical Change
Define - Repair
Define - Imperfection that exceeds the acceptance criteria
Define - Discontinuity that may or may not exceed the acceptance criteria
Define - RBI’s two primary factors
Probability Consequence
NDE- Number of CML’s to obtain thickness readings during insepction
NDE - CML that must be measured during a thickness inspection
CML w/earliest renewal date
PRD’s - how relief device intervals are determined
Insp - Basis of API 570’s piping classification
Consequence of Failure
Corrosion - Method by which process leaks can lead to brittle failure
Auto refrigeration
Corrosion - Cause of Fatigue Crack
Cycle Stress
Corrosion - Factors that affect the creep rate
Time, Temp & Stress
Corrosion - Type of soil that is most corrosive
Low Resistivity
Repairs - # of new flange assemblies to be inspected during repairs and alterations
SCC can develop at hot spots, including where the heat tracing attaches to pipe
Where dew point corrosion often occurs
Overhead fractionation
Potential for non or very few CMLs on circuit
Olefin cold side, Anhydrous Ammonia
Relatively uniform corrosion
Sulfidation, Sour water
Valves that should be inspected for thermal fatigue
Cat reformer
Design - Mill tolerance for rolled and welded pipe
NDE Maximum length of crack or incomplete fusion allowed on a new weld
Flanges - Typical Flange Face Finish
125-250 Micro-inch
Flanges - When mating flanges, the maximum amount of unparallel allowed (per diameter of flange in feet)
1/16’ per foot
Flanges - Max offset for bolt-holes for mating flanges
Welding - Maximum allowed size of open discontinuity in a bend test
Pre-heat Zone - Distance from toe to weld
PWHT Zone - Distance from toe to weld
NDE Maximum distance beyond the area to be examined to clean a party when performing a MT examination
NDE - Minimum distance beyond the area to be examined to clean when performing a PT examination
Repairs - Minimum radius of insert patch
NDE - Max diameter of CML exam point for lines
NDE - Max diameter of CML exam point for lines > 10 NPS
NDE - Minimum length of spot RT
Welding - Min length to RT/UT when qualifying a welder with test coupon or 1st production weld
Welding - Min length of RT when qualifying a welding operator with a test coupon
Corrosion - Soil-to-air area - distance in air from interface
Corrosion - Distance to dig when inspecting for Soil-to-air corrosion
NDE - Distance of eye-to-part to count as a visual exam
Corrosion - Soil-to-air - Distance in soil from interface
NDE - Minimum upstream limit of intensive examination of injection point circuit
PWHT - Min overlap for PWHT when using multiple heats
Welding - Minimum length of RT/UT when qualifying a welding operator on first production weld
Underground - minimum length of buried pipe to expose when excavating for inspection
Repairs - Maximum size of fillet weld patch on pipe
1/2 diameter
Circuits - Minimum upstream limit of injection point circuit
Greater of: 12” or 3 Dia.
NDE - Minimum downstream limit of intensive examination of injection point circuit
10 Diameters
Circuits - Min downstream limit of injection point circuit
Lesser of: 1” direction chg + 25; or 2nd direction chg
Corrosion - CUI affects carbon steel & low alloy (temperature range)
10-350 F
UT Calibration - Calibration block must be within what temperature of the part to be examined
NDE - Standard temperature range for PT exam
Testing - Min flash point of hydrocarbon used for leak testing
Corrosion - CUI affects austenitic stainless steel (temperature range)
Corrosion - Typical dew point of hydrochloric acid
Corrosion - Temperature where chloride stress corrosion cracking becomes a concern
> 140F
NDE - Special procedures needed for UT thickness readings
> 150F
Corrosion - Temperature swings that can cause thermal fatigue
Corrosion - Most aggressive CUI temperature range
Corrosion - Typical dew point of sulphuric acid
Welding - Minimum pre-heat temperature, when pre-heated is substituted for PWHT
Welding - Minimum pre-heat temperature, when a local PWHT is substituted for a full encirclement PWHT
Corrosion - Starting temp for sulfidation on carbon steel per API 574
Corrosion - Starting temp for sulfidation on iron-based alloys per API 574
Corrosion - Temperature range causing temper embrittlement in low chromes
Inspection - Operating temp when a corrosion specialist must input on an inspection plan
> 750F
Corrosion - Graphitization occurs in carbon steel materials
> 800F
Corrosion - Creep occurs in 1-1/4% chrome materials
> 900F
NDE - Maximum temperature for UT readings per Sect V
NDE - Maximum temperature for UT readings per API 574
Materials - Carbon steel PWHT temperature
Testing - Minimum base metal temp during pressure testing when wall thickness is
MDMT + 10F
Testing j- Minimum base metal temp during pressure testing when wall thickness is >2” thick
MDMT + 30F
NDE - Maximum temperature for magnetic particles
Manufacturer recommended
Common material with an endurance limit (fatigue cracking cannot occur below this stress level)
Subject to temper-embrittlement
Low chromes
Common material without an endurance limit
Subject to polytheonic acid stress-corrosion cracking
Sensitized 300 SS
P-numbers allowed to use pre-heat in lieu of PWHT
P1 & P3
Flanges - Thread engagement acceptance criteria
Ratio of Endurance limit stress to ultimate tensile stress for carbon steel
0.4 - 0.5
Testing - Minimum range of pressure gauge used during a pressure test (multiplied by test pressure)
Testing - preferred range of pressure gauge used during a pressure test (multiplied by test pressure)
NDE - # of additional welds or joints to examine when a weld defect is found during a random examination
PWHT - Minimum # of thermocouples required when performing a local PWHT instead of a 360 degree band
Weld qualification - number of tension tests to qualify a wps
Weld qualifiaction - number of bend tests to qualify a welder or welding operator in welding positions IG-4G
NDE - minimum # of expsosures to RT 360~ of a weld using a double wall technique, double wall view (elliptical shot)
NDE - RT film density range - allowed for the weld & IQI when using a gamma ray source
NDE - Minimum # of exposures to RT 360’ of a weld using a double-wall technique, single-wall view
Impact test - number of test bars required in each set
NDE - when using a shim under a hole-type IQI, the number of sides of the IQI that must be seen in the RT image
Testing - maximum range of pressure gauge used during a pressure test (multiplied by test pressure)
Weld qualification - number of bend tests to qualify a WPS
Weld qualification - number of bend tests to qualify a welder or welding operator in welding positions 5G & 6G
Design - #of stress cycles to become rated as service cycle service
NDE - Minimum time an examiner should be in a darkened area prior to using a black light for MT & PT exams
5 minutes
Testing - Minimum duration for a pressure test
10 minutes
NDE - Final interpretation of a PT exam after application of developer (time range)
10-60 minutes
Testing - minimum duration of hydro to evaluate integrity of buried pipe
8 hours
NDE - Max calibrating interval - MT permanent magnet yoke
NDE - Max calibrating interval - RT densitometer
90 Days
Maximum time for obtaining thickness readings when corrosion rate on new pipe is not known (no other data available)
3 months
Welding - Max time a welder or welding operator maintains qualifications for a process without using that process
6 months
Interval - Suggested interval for above-grade visual surveillance of buried pipe
6 months
NDE - max calibrating intervals - electromagnetic MT yoke
1 year
NDE - maximum interval for a visual examiners eye exam
1 year
NDE - max interval to calibrate pressure gauge used in testing
1 year
AI - Length of time before an API 570 AI must recertify
3 years
Insp - max thickness inspection interval for an injection point
lesser 3 year or 1/2 life
Insp - max external inspection interval for class 1 & 2 piping
5 year
Insp - maximum interval for relief devises in fouling or corrosive service
5 year
Insp - suggested interval for close-interval potential survey of buried pipe with poor CP
5 year
Insp - suggested interval for evaluation of soil corrosivity for buried pipe with no CP
5 year
Insp - max thickness inspection interval for class 1 piping
Lesser 5 yr or 1/2 life
Insp - minimum years of experience for owners inspector during a new fabrication
10 years
Insp - maximum external inspection interval for class 3 piping
10 years
Insp - maximum thickness inspection interval for class 2 & 3 piping
Lesser 10 yr or 1/2 life
RBI - maximum interval for RBI reassessment
Per table 2
Repairs - when should temporary welded pipe repairs be replaced
Next opportunity
Repairs - when shall non-welded repairs & temporary leak sealing devices and be removed and pipe repaired
Next turnaround
NDE - Max calibrating interval - check the light intensity of a black light used in a MT or PT exam
Before & after use
NDE - Pipe size where RT is preferred for thickness readings
NDE - Pipe size where UT thickness readings may require specialized UT equipment
Terms - Small bore piping
Maximum pipe size normally allowed for threaded pipe
Maximum pipe size normally allowed for socket-welded pipe
NDE - Maximum pipe size for preforming an elliptical shot (double-wall techniques, double-wall view)
Pipe size where pipe OD is equal to pipe size (NPS)
> 14 NPS
Pipe size where pipe is almost always made using rolled & welded plate
> 16 NPS
NDE - Weight used to check magnetic strength of an AC yoke
10 lb
NDE - Weight used to check magnetic strength of a DC yoke
10 lb
NDE - Weight used to check magnetic strength of a permanent magnet yoke
40 lb
NDE - min angle of eye-to-part to count as a visual exam
30 degrees
NDE - two primary gamma-ray RT sources
IR 192, Co 60
NDE - Lead letter used during RT to check for backscatter radiation
NDE - Lead letter used during RT to indicate a film-side IQI
NDE - Hole size that must be visible in RT when using a hole-type IQI
NDE - Minimum light intensity when performing non-fluorescent MT or PT or VT exam
100 ft candles
NDE - Minimum black light intensity when performing MT or PT fluorescent exam
1000 mW/cm2
NDE - Maximum UT scanning speed
Weld qualification - maximum allowed thickness on a WPS based on the plate thickness (T) of a PQR test coupon
Weld qualification - the “all-position” test coupon
Weld qualification - rejectable in RT when qualifying a welder
Crack, LoF, IP
Weld qualification - which welding process can a welder not be qualified by RT/UT
Welding - variables needed WPS
Essentials & Non-Essent
Welding - Variables needed on PQR
Welding - Minimum taper required for welds with mismatch
30 degrees
Design - Two most common CS pipe materials
A53 & A106
Repair - maximum allowed SMYS for pipe if fillet-welded patch is installed
40,000 PSI
Test - Maximum stress allowed during a pressure test
90% of SMYS
Test - PH of water needed to reduce likelihood of MIC (bugs)
> 10 PH
Corrosion - Typical external corrosion rate for dry rural environments
Corrosion - Typical external corrosion rate for inland locations with moderate rain & humidity
1-3 mpy
Corrosion - Possible external corrosion rate for industrial environmental with acid or sulfur compounds
5-10 mpy
Corrosion - Possible external corrosion rate for marine environments
20 mpy
NDE - Limits of RT Film Density of weld as compared to IQI
-15 to +30%
Design - Mill tolerance of seamless pipe
Pipe class - % of H2S in process to classify as Class 1 pipe
> 3%
NDE - % of welds RT when fabricating normal service pipe
NDE - % of welds to VT when fabricating normal service pipe
NDE - % of welds to Brinnell after PWHT in furnace (if BHN are required)
NDE overlap with UT scan, % of transducer diameter
AI - amount of time inspector must be involved in inspection activates - required to maintain API 570 certification
Mtls - Amount of nickel required for a material to be considered a nickel alloy
> 30%
NDE - % of welds to Brinnell after local PWHT (if BHN is required)
NDE - % of visiual & RT required when fabricating service cycle pipe
Testing - pneumatic test pressure, % of design pressure
Testing - Leak test pressure of underground pipe, % of operating pressure
PRV - maximum set pressure for thermal relief valves, % of design pressure
Document Owner/User must have that is following API 570
QA/Repair Manual
Document required for each piping system
Inspection Plan
Document required when changes are made to hardware or process
Document required when owner audits inspection program
Tracking system
Document required of examiner’s employer
Certification record
Document required for each PRD Repair organization
QA manual
Document required concerning personnel at PRD repair organization
Training program
Records maintain by repair organization and available to the inspector
WPS(s) & WPD(s)
Another record that the owner/user must maintain
Insp ISO’s