5300 Quiz 2 Flashcards
Which leadership pattern does this characterize: Emphasis on rules and regulations, little flexibility?
bureaucratic. Bureaucratic leaders follow the rules - he will check and adhere to policies regardless of the employee’s excuse for behavior.
Which leadership pattern does this characterize: Boss centered, dictatorial, close supervision?
Exploitative authoritarian. This type of leader is very directed. Tells you what to do, believe he is always correct and employees are his pawns to do work.
Which leadership pattern does this characterize: Team building, consensus, group decision making?
participative. Works together with others
Which leadership pattern does this characterize: advisory and friendly, leader asks advice but makes own decision?
Consultative. Although the leader uses others input, this type of leader makes the final decision
Which leadership pattern does this characterize: Kind and considerate, paternal (fatherly) approach?
Benevolent authoritarian. This leader believes it is the right thing to direct others/tell them what to do, however he is friendly about it like a father advising
Bottom line, what impact do leaders have on other people? A leader influences others so that they
Work toward achievement of common goals. This is the primary action of a leader; they may do some of the other items listed here but achievement of the goal is first.
Which leadership style would work best with Theory Y managers?
Participative. This side of the theory states people want to work and therefore participate in decision making.
What style of leadership would you expect when your department faces an unexpected crisis, say a fire in the unit?
Authoritarian. A decision must be made and there can be no discussion
What is the primary characteristic of an effective leader? The one who
Accepted by his/her followers.
Characteristic of McGregor’s Theory X?
People must be actively managed, motivated, and directed. Theory states people are basically lazy and therefore need directed.
McGregor’s Theory Y
Most workers are ready to assume responsibility and to work toward organizational goals
With which function of management is leadership most closely associated?
Who is responsible for the development of Theory X and Theory Y leadership?
Douglas McGregor
What must a supervisor do to exercise leadership within a work group?
Be seen as an integral part of the work unit. Participative management example
What is the basis of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
Filled needs no longer motivate.
What are Maslow’s hierarchy of needs arranged in order from lowest level to highest.
Physiological, safety, social, esteem, self-actualization
Herzberg’s theory of motivation says that factors such as pay or sound management are “hygienic” motivating forces, which means that:
Their value as a positive motivating factor is relatively low.
With which function of management is motivation most closely associated?
According to Herzberg, what are the motivating factors?
achievement, responsibility, advancement
Motivation is defined as?
The inner drive to satisfy personal needs.
Do Maslow’s needs have equal power to motivate people?
According to Maslow how are people motivated?
By unmet needs, more so than those already met.
Why is motivation essential in health care?
A satisfied employee will perform better and be more willing to work.
On what is motivation based?
Which management expert advanced the idea that personal responsibility (not merely motivation) stimulates an employee to optimal performance?
Peter Drucker
Which motivational theory is built on close relationships between an individual’s work life and personal life?
William Ouchi, Theory Z
What does your textbook assert is the morale factor that tops the list for employees?
Full appreciation of work done. Included in information. Understanding of personal problems
What is the relationship between the motivational theories of Maslow and Herzberg?
Maslow top two needs are the same as Herzberg’s true motivators.
What did managers assert as the primary motivating factor for employees?
Good wages. Job security. Opportunity for growth and promotion
What is the value of money as a motivator?
It is an objective measure of comparison, basic to an assessment of equity
What is the role of a supervisor with regard to motivation?
Create circumstances where the worker can be self-motivated
Motivational factors are subjective; what works for one may not work for another employee in the same department?
What is the best thing a manager can do to foster continued excellent performance in an employee?
Reward or praise them
Appraisals are used as a time to set goals for growth and improvement?
Use of rating scales instead of other evaluation methods helps avoid the problems of halo effect?
One purpose of performance appraisals is to strengthen manager/subordinate working relationships?
Field Review
Supervisor is interviewed by HR who asks questions about each employee’s performance. Results are written up as a narrative. No paperwork is required of the supervisor.
Effective appraisals are based on the job description and established standards.
Annual appraisals are unnecessary for employees who are motivated by recognition and achievement.
Performance management consists of planning (setting standards) , managing (coaching), and appraisal.
One big problem in performance appraisals is that supervisors record an employee’s work as acceptable when in fact it is unacceptable?
Appraisal systems often fail because they require the supervisor to judge personality traits?
From a supervisor’s perspective, it is best to do all appraisals within a time frame of 1-2 weeks each year.
Managers often view performance appraisals as a requirement of “the system” (mandated by the Personnel Department) and they do not give them the care and attention they deserve?
What is the purpose of performance appraisals?
To encourage improved performance; set goals for growth and advancement
Which method of appraisal is most commonly used?
Rating scales
What is the major problem of using rating scales?
Ratings cluster on the high side
For which method does the supervisor need to keep an ongoing record of employees?
Critical incident
What is the “halo effect?”
A rating on one item influences excessively the rating on another performance characteristic
What are common appraisal problems?
The “halo” effect. Central tendency. Personal likes and dislikes
What are reasons appraisal systems fail?
Supervisors judge personality traits. Supervisors are uncomfortable in their role as evaluators. Some appraisal systems are poorly administered
From the employee’s standpoint, why is it essential that supervisors conduct performance appraisals?
Employees need to know where they stand in the eyes of the supervisor
In addition to specific requirements of a good appraisal system, what is necessary for success?
Thorough, conscientious application by managers who believe in the value of performance evaluation
How can you ensure that your performance appraisals are legally defensible?
Base them on specific objective requirements of the job
What is competence assessment?
Job-specific, criteria-based performance evaluation
What are the 4 element of constructive appraisal?
Job description analysis. Employee set performance objectives. Negotiation of objectives. Discussion of results.
What is the focus of an appraisal interview?
Joint problem solving
In the workplace, how is a “rule” characterized?
General pattern of behavior employees must practice
Policies are broad statements to guide routine decision making and activity in a department?
True. Policies could be rules. But the procedures give the steps to adhering the rules and what will happen if one does not adhere to them.
“Rules” spell out the way each step of a procedure is to be performed?
False. The rule is the general guideline while the policy and procedure gives the individual steps to adhering to the greater rule.
What is the purpose of rules?
Safeguard the hospital, employees, and patients
Discipline is synonymous with punishment?
What is the purpose of discipline?
To improve employee behavior
What is the basis of disciplinary action?
Unacceptable behavior
When giving criticism, when is it of value? Only when it is
What should be the focus of criticism?
Results of the employees behavior
What is progressive discipline?
Increased severity of discipline, based on gravity of the incident
What is an essential element of discipline?
Opportunity to correct the offending behavior
What must an employee know at each stage of progressive discipline?
How the offending behavior must change and what will happen next if it doesn’t
What are the steps of progressive discipline?
Counseling, oral warning, written warning, before suspension, suspension and discharge.
What should a supervisor do when a new employee consistently performs below standard?
Help the employee learn how to perform more satisfactorily.
What parts of corrective counseling and instruction should be documented?
Every action should be documented from counseling through training, retraining, etc.
When should a supervisor coach an employee?
Before problems are evident
What is the best way to label or categorize “problem employees?”
An average performer, hard to instruct, tough to motivate, difficult to handle
How might you summarize the seven guidelines for dealing with problem employees?
Good human relations strategies for working with all employees
Why is absenteeism a problem? Because it
is a symptom of other problems
Name ways to reduce absenteeism
Emphasize to everyone the importance of being at work when scheduled. Keep accurate attendance records, and patterns. Do not reward absenteeism; of people do call in “sick” on their weekend, schedule them the next. Have employees report to you after an absence.
What should a supervisor do to help a troubled employee?
Listen, be empathetic, and refer the person to someone with expertise to help. Use employee assistance programs. They have been developed so supervisors do not have to handle problems out of their area of expertise.
What is an “Employee Assistance Program?” A program that
helps employees deal with personal problems that affect their work performance
What patterns of employee behavior have surfaced in the last few years.
Inability of people to take responsibility for their own circumstances. People think the hospital is there for their benefit and to meet their needs.
PTO plans ____
encourage employees to use leave only when necessary.
A welfare benefit is one that ____.
is there to be used when needed but if not needed it disappears.