why has traditional psychology been more focused on negative aspects?
compassion for suffering, employment for helping those with mental illness, general human interest in bad over good
why do we need positive psychology
help people flourish and function well
define positive psychology
studying and enhancing valued subjective experience, well-being, contentment, flow, optimism
goals of positive psychology
o To properly map ‘the domain of human optimal functioning’
o To understand the factors that build strength, contexts of resilience, + role of pos exp
o Study nature of subjective well-being, link to physical health from SWB, + concept of flow
examples of positive psychology in trad psych
o Rogers – the fully functioning person
o Maslow – self-actualisation
o Jahoda – concept of mental health
what is the concept of subjective well-being
the good life is subjective to each individual
what does the Hedonic treadmill theory suggest
humans have a tendency to return to a relatively stable level of happiness or subjective wellbeing, despite changes in their circumstances or external conditions.
o Expectations rise, adapt, next-level happiness harder to reach
o Human tendency to pursue one pleasure after another
what can predict SWB?
personality + social/culture
describe how personality may predict SWB
half the variance in SWB in identical twins is accounted for by genetics. personality also predicts whether people take new accomplishments for granted for not ie hedonic treadmill
describe how social/culture may predict SWB
o Expectations rise, adapt, next-level happiness harder to reach
o Human tendency to pursue one pleasure after another
what is the overall happiness formula and who made it
H = S + C + V (Seligman)
describe the happiness formula
H = overall happiness level, S = set point of happiness, C = circumstances, V = voluntary activities
what are 3 heightened ways of feeling satisfaction
mindfulness, flow, learned optimism
intentional focusing on the present moment
concept behind learned optimism
people have a talent for happiness that can be worked on
total involvement in an activity, state of complete absorption in a task, enjoyable even if it brings no rewards
something worth doing for its own sake even if it brings no tangible rewards
3 elements of making flow state happen
1. Nothing else matters
2. Intense concentration, no attention for problems or anything else
3. Lose yourself, time gets distorted
mental outlook links to happiness, mental self-discipline
what are the 4 overarching critisims of positive psychology
not empirically evaluated, over-selling, research is correlational, formula for happiness is errornous
describe problems with PP resarch
correlational, direction unknown, let alone causation
criticisms of the formula for happiness
voluntary % overestimated, S/heritability probably underestimated
2 main interventions based on PP
penn resilience program PRP + miltary resistance training program MRT
o Intervention sold worldwide
o Meant ot make 10-14 yr old resistant to depression
o CBT style of challenging depressive thoughts, trains to look for positive explanations and interpretations
o Seligman claimed on basis on many studies that PRP produced increased optimism, reduced depression anxiety etc.
o BUT, meta-analysis by another author only found tiny effects
o And another author found no effects
o Biggest contract for pos psych came from US military
o Soldiers suffering from PTSD and depression
o MRT closely based on PRP
o Implemented as part of comprehensive soldier fitness program
o Why would MRT be expected to work? – criticisms
If the techniques can lessen depression etc, surely they can also prevent the onset of such conditions – not empirically backed up
No evidence that any intervention can prevent ptsd
* Interventions can treat eg therapy, but expensive
Army drawn to techniques which could be preventative + cheaper
Published papers had basic errors + unsubstantiated claims
o No evidence that MRT helps soldiers