5.1 STRESS AND HEALTH Flashcards
define stress
the process by which we percieve and respond to certain events or stressors that we view as challenging or threatening, rxn stems from appraisal of the stimulus
who founded stress theory and what is its alternate name
Hans Selye
general adaptation theory
challenges cause stress and stress causes challenges in the absence of proper adaptive response
describe the body’s stress resistance
stress resistance systems are protective in the short term and then lose their resilience and elasticity if used over a prolonged period, and eventually expose the individual to chronic illness when exhaustion sets in
name the ways cortisol effects the body
o Cortisol inc heart rate + blood pressure + blood sugar
o Distributes blood to large muscles
o Hands sweat
o Immune system is suppressed, keeping precious resources available for emergency fight-or-flight rxns
o Decrease serotonin
o Decrease sensitivity to pain
o Heightened memory + attention
describe the route from stress to health, starting with stressor and ending in the release of cortisol
stressor triggers amygdala, amydala stimulates hypothalamus, hypothalamus signals anterior pituary, pituary produces ACTH, ACTH stimulates adrenal glands to release cortisol into bloodstream
describe how chronic stress can negatively effect health
allostatic overload; constant high cortisol levels are associated with ulcers, heart disease etc. BECAUSE cells and organs get damaged
metabolic and immune parameters our body is equipped to operate within
3 types of stressors
catastrophic, major [signif life changes], micro [everyday hassles]
examples of catastrophic stressors
natural or manmade disasters eg war
what does srss stand for
social readjustment rating scale
explain the SRSS
identifying major stressful life events, each event awarded a life change unit depending on degree of trauma, total stress value summed from events over last year, score tells % of chance suffering from stress and chance of developing a stress based illness
why is social life relevant to stress
the more social contacts one has, the longer they live, on average
what are some indirect links between stress and health
- Stress weakens immune system by promoting unhealthy behaviours
- Study of 30k men after divorce: drink + smoke more, eat fewer veg + more fried food
- Stress indirectly contributes to obesity + cancer risk + cardiovascular disease, by producing unhelpful changes in diet or maintains unhealthy eating behaviours + lifestyle
what are some direct links between stress and health
- Direct impact on immune system
- Psychoneuroimmunology research – quantitiative + functional research
- Finding: family care-givers of Alzheimer’s patients also had reduced anxiety
- 8-day study: blister wounds on healthy volunteers, anger management assessed, those w/ higher stress and anger levels secreted more cortisol, would healed more slowly (Gouin et al., 2008)
what is the issue with a lot of research claiming that stress causally/directionally effects health
in a lot of research stress is being manipulated or operationalised
name 2 methodological innovations in stress research that were able to support the idea of stress as causally relevant
viral challenge studies + vaccine studies, they dont manipulate stress as a variable, only account for it
viral challenge approach [Cohen]
healthy volunteers exposed to virus then tested for infection ; and non-exposed control group
outcome of viral challenge studies
of those that were infected, the ones who got the full blown virus had higher stress than those who did not and had low stress.
vaccine study approach [glasser]
examine antibody blood response in sample after receiving vaxx
vaccine study outcome
those with lower levels of stress showed greatest response level to vaccine, had more antibodies
how might social class effect health, in a negative way
o Fewer parks + rec spaces in poorer areas
o Higher rates of crime + violence
o Fewer outlets selling fruit + veg, ‘food deserts’
o Fewer health centres
o Lower SES jobs, less autonomy
o Low status is threatening, stressful + linked to poorer physical health
what does ACE stand for
adverse childhood experiences
how may ACEs be linked to stress/health
ACE linked with cortisol dysfunction, poor self-control, higher stress, higher risk of addiction
name 2 mediators of stress
coping style + personality
how may coping style mediate stress
12 coping styles, some functional, some dysfunctional
what 2 types of adaptive coping are there
problem focused and emotion focused
problem-focused coping examples
Active coping
Instrumental support
emotion-focused coping examples
Emotional support
Positive reframing
maladaptive coping examples
o Venting, denial, substance use, behavioural disengagement, self-distraction, self-blame
is verbal or written emotional disclosure about trauma more beneficial in the long term
verbal emotional disclosure
describe how personality may mediate stress
personality differences mean that some people simply don’t handle stress well
name 2 personality traits that have been linked with stress
negative affectivity and conscientiousness
how does conscientiousness relate to stress
linked to good health because it is linked to lower stress, tend to choose healthier diets, have higher levels of education which produces direct and indirect health outcomes
how might one reduce stress
focus on adaptive coping, exercise, cultivate positive emotions, meditate
name 3 key people linked to stress and what they are known for
Hans Selye - founded stress theory
Cohen - viral challenge approach
Glaser - vaccine studies