define social dilemma
when an individual’s self-interest runs counter to the groups best interest, short-term self vs long-term collective interest
give some examples of social dilemmas in everyday life
overfishing, overgrazing, flatmates all avoiding cleaning the apartment, using private transport
name 3 specific social dilemmas
the prisoner’s dilemma, tragedy of the commons, freerider/social loafer
describe the prisoners dilemma
2 criminals arrested on suspiscion of armed robbery, both with weapons, not enough evidence to convict unless one betrays the other
what is the dilemma in the prisoners dilemma
what to do if you dont know what the other person is doing
what are the 3 options in the prisoners dilemma
neither confess, each get a light sentence, best for everyone. you confess, you get off, other gets sentenced. both confess, both sentenced for short period, worst for everyone.
what is the concept behind the tragedy of the commons
an individual benefits from other peoples sacrifices and suffer from their own sacrifices. Thus, there is an incentive to be selfish and let others make sacrifices. Thus, everyone suffers.
which 4 elements in evolutionary theory can be used to understand and overcome social dilemmas
kin selection, reciprocal altruism. indirect reciprocity, costly signalling
kin selection
people are more likely to help others who are genetically closer to them, strong family bonds tend to weaken social dilemmas
reciprocal altruism [Trivers]
cooperative altruism is strongly influence by another person’s cooperative behaviour, you scratch by back and ill scratch yours, examples in animals so evolution may have created some instinctive defences against social dilemmas
indirect reciprosity
people look for information on other people they may be interacting with, if person has reputation as cooperative person, you may be more likely to cooperate with them. virtuous circle of cooperation can overcome social dilemmas.
costly signalling
humans sometimes engage in costly behaviours to signal desirable traits, may engage in irrational generosity, lack of self-interest to signal high status and abundance of resources to others
name 7 factors that may influence social dilemmas
ostracism, uncertainty, social values, trust, reciprocity, communication, small communities.
how does ostracism influence social dilemmas
punishment works when free riders are threatened by the group when they take a selfish route over a cooperative route. the threat of exclusion is very effective in increasing cooperation
how does uncertainty influence social dilemmas
may be uncertain about who we are working with, what the eventual rewards and costs are. so under uncertain conditions it may be best to take immediate selfish reward.
how do social values influence social dilemmas
people with high social value orientation are more likey to favour the greater good and collective outcome
describe someone with a high social value orientation personality
Like the idea of getting on well with others + cooperation
Prefer ‘equal split is fair’ rule when interacting
Become angry if rules are violated, even if not directly affected
Show higher amygdala [emotion] activity in fMRI in response to unequal outcomes
More likely to volunteer, use pubic transport etc.
how does trust influence social dilemmas
effects belief in cooperative intentions of others. trusting people with cooperate. non-trusting people. with also cooperate, but only is there is a system put in place that will punish those who don’t cooperate
how does reciprocity influence social dilemmas
conditional cooperation aka tit for tat is a good strategy. unconditional cooperation may lead to exploitation or conflict.
how does communication influence social dilemmas
can strengthen the explicit norm of reciprocity, minimise interdependence with exploiters, group pledge to cooperate.
how do small communities influence social dilemmas
cooperation more common in smaller groups, people are more confident wrong-doers will be detected and punished, high-trust.
name 3 key people in social dilemmas and what they are known for
Hamilton - kin selection
reciprocal altruism - trivers
dawnes - coined ‘social dilemma’