potential group performance [PP]
likely outcome if all group members work as individuals
actual group performance [AP]
actual productive outcome of group
If AP>PP …?
group is facilitating/enhancing performance
If PP>AP…?
group is hindering performance
What is Steiner’s AP formula?
AP = PP - PL
What is a unitary task
all members do the same thing
what is a divisible task
people do different sub-tasks
what are 2 types of task goals?
maximisation [quant] and optimisation [qual]
what are the 3 types of tasks ?
additive, disjunctive, conjunctive
Additive Task
*Group performance = sum of individual performances
*Unitary + maximisation
*E.g. Brainstorming, pulling a rope
*group potential is higher than what the best members could achieve alone
Disjunctive Task
*Operate at level of the highest performer
*Group succeeds if a single group member succeeds
*Can still benefit from larger group, greater group size should add to performance, inc likelihood of correct answer statistically?
o Nb. No direct link to group size and success though
*Eureka effect: correct/best decision once found is immediately recognised by all as correct
*e.g. problem-solving, complex calculations
*basically just a group working on something that one person could do
*group potential = best individual performance
Conjunctive Task
*Group members must be successful for the task to be completed
*E.g. mountain climbing team, keeping a secret, precision group work
*Team is only as fast as its slowest member
*Group potential decreases as group inc, more likely to have a weaker member
*Group potential = weakest individual performance
social inhibition
group process losses, how groups hinder productivity
what 3 things may cause social inhibition/process losses?
losses in coordination, motivation, or cognitive restriction
the ringleman effect
each member adds less performance to the group than their prior, as group size increases, performance slows
name 4 faults with brainstorming
production blocking, topic fixation, social inhibition, social loafing