5.2 National Income Accounting: The Basics Flashcards
What is the value of domestic output equal to?
The value of domestic output is equal to the value of the expenditure on that output and is also equal to the total income generated by producing that output.
Memorize The Circular Flow of Income and Expenditure
What is national income equal to?
National income is equal to national product.
What are the three ways of measuring national income?
-The first is simply to add up the value of all domestic output—the goods and services produced in the economy. (This requires the concept of value added, which we discussed above.)
-Add up the total flow of expenditure on domestic output.
-Add up the total flow of income generated by domestic production.
All three measures yield the same total, which is called** gross domestic product** (GDP).
What is GDP?
Gross domestic product (GDP)
The total value of goods and services produced in the economy during a given period.
What is GDP on the expenditure side?
When GDP is calculated by adding up total expenditure for each of the main components of output, the result is called GDP on the expenditure side.
What is GDP on the income side?
When GDP is calculated by adding up all the income generated by the act of production, it is called GDP on the income side.
How do we calculate GDP from the expenditure side for a given year?
By adding up the expenditures needed to purchase the output produced in that year. Total expenditure on output is the sum of four broad categories of expenditure:
-Government purchases
-Net exports
What is important to remember when considering the four categories of expenditure?
it is important to remember that these four categories of expenditure are exhaustive—they are defined in such a way that all expenditure falls into one (and only one) of the four categories.
What is Consumption expenditure?
Consumption expenditure
Expenditure on all goods and services for final use. Represented by the symbol C.
It includes services, such as haircuts, dental care, legal advice, and
Actual measured consumption expenditure is denoted by the symbol G(subscript)a.
What is Investment expenditure?
Investment expenditure
Expenditure on the production of goods not for present consumption. Represented by the symbol I.
Inventories of goods made but not yet sold and of inputs purchased but n
What are the three catagories of investment goods?
Changes in Inventories
New Plant and Equipment
New Residential Housing
What are Inventories?
Stocks of raw materials, goods in process, and finished goods held by firms.
Difference between inventories of input and output.
Inventories of inputs and unfinished materials allow firms to maintain a steady stream of production despite interruptions in the deliveries of inputs bought from other firms.
Inventories of outputs allow firms to meet orders despite fluctuations in the rate of production.
In regards to inventories, what counts and positive investment and what counts as negative investment (disinvestment)?
The accumulation of inventories during any given year counts as positive investment for that year because it represents goods produced but not used for current consumption. These goods are included in the national income accounts at their current market value.
The drawing down of inventories, often called decumulation, counts as disinvestment (negative investment) because it represents a reduction in the stock of finished goods available to be sold.
What is Capital stock?
Capital stock
The aggregate quantity of capital goods.
This is often called “plant and equipment,” although the term refers to
Counts as “New Plants and Equipment”
What is a fixed investment?
Fixed investment
The creation of new plant and equipment.
Adding to the existing stock of capital goods is an act of investment an
New Plants and Equipment
When is housing counted as an investment expenditure?
Because such an asset meets the definition of investment that we gave earlier, housing construction—the building of a new house—is counted as investment expenditure rather than as consumption expenditure. However, when an individual purchases an existing house from a builder or from another individual, the ownership of an existing asset is simply transferred, and the transaction is not part of national income. Only when a new house is built does it appear as residential investment in the national accounts.
What is the total amount of investment the sum of?
The total amount of investment in any given year is the sum of the changes in inventories, the additions to the stock of plant and equipment, and the new construction of residential housing units.
Actual total investment expenditure is denoted by the symbol I(subscript