4.1 Key Macroeconomic Variables Flashcards
What is the most comprehensive measure of a nation’s overall level of economic activity?
The most comprehensive measure of a nation’s overall level of economic activity is the value of its total production of goods and services, called national product, or sometimes just called output.
What is an essential concept in regard to the production of goods and services?
One of the most important ideas in economics is that the production of goods and services generates income.
What is national product equal to?
The value of national product is by definition equal to the value of national income.
How do we measure national income?
To measure national income we add up the values of the many different goods and services produced. We cannot add tonnes of steel to loaves of bread, but we can add the dollar value of steel production to the dollar value of bread production.
What is the process of calculating national income?
We begin by multiplying the number of units of each good produced by the price at which each unit is sold. This yields a dollar value of production for each good. We then sum these values across all the different goods and services produced in the economy to give us the quantity of total output, or national income, measured in dollars.
What is Nominal national income
Nominal national income
Total national income measured in current dollars. Also called current-dollar national income.
How can a change in nominal national income occur?
A change in nominal national income can be caused by a change in either the physical quantities or the prices at which they are sold.
(1) the country produced more goods and services but at the same prices as the year before
(2) the country produced the same amount of goods and services but at higher prices than the year before.
A more realistic third possibility is a combination of the two, with quantities rising for many products and prices rising for many products.
What is real national income?
Real national income
National income measured in constant (base-period) dollars. It changes only when quantities change.
What does real national income tell us?
Real national income tells us the value of current output measured at constant prices—the sum of the quantities valued at prices that prevailed in the base period. Since prices are held constant when computing real national income, changes in real national income from one year to another reflect only changes in quantities. Comparing real national incomes of different years therefore provides a measure of the change in the quantity of output that has occurred during the intervening period.
What is one of the most commonly used measures of national income?
One of the most commonly used measures of national income is called gross domestic product (GDP). GDP can be measured in either real or nominal terms
What does real GDP measure?
Real GDP measures the quantity of total output produced by the nation’s economy during a year.
A second feature of real GDP that is less evident in part (i) is short-term fluctuations around the trend.
What is a Recession?
A fall in the level of real GDP. Often defined precisely as two consecutive quarters of negative growth in real GDP.
What is a Business Cycle?
Business cycle
Fluctuations of real national income around its trend value that follow a more or less wavelike pattern.
What does national output (income) represent?
National output (or income) represents what the economy actually produces.
What is Potential output (Potential GDP)?
Potential output
The real GDP that the economy would produce if its productive resources were fully employed. Also called potential GDP.
What are the differences in estimating potential output and actual output?
The value of potential output must be estimated using statistical techniques, whereas the value of actual output can be measured directly. For this reason, there is often disagreement among researchers regarding the level of potential output, owing to their different estimation approaches.
What notation do we use for actual output and potential output?
In terms of notation, we use Y to denote the economy’s actual output and Y* to denote potential output.
What is a trough?
A trough is characterized by unemployed resources and a level of output that is low in relation to the economy’s capacity to produce. There is a substantial amount of unused productive capacity. Business profits are low; for some individual companies, they are negative. Confidence about economic prospects in the immediate future is lacking, and, as a result, many firms are unwilling to risk making new investments such as expansions of their facilities.
What is a recovery and what are its characteristics/
The process of recovery moves the economy out of a trough. The characteristics of a recovery are many: run-down or obsolete equipment is replaced; employment, income, and consumer spending all begin to rise; and expectations become more favourable. Investments that once seemed risky may be undertaken as firms become more optimistic about future business prospects. Production can be increased with relative ease merely by re-employing the existing unused capacity and unemployed labour.
What is a peak?
Eventually the recovery comes to a peak at the top of the cycle. At the peak, existing capacity is used to a high degree; labour shortages may develop, particularly in categories of key skills, and shortages of essential raw materials are likely. As shortages develop, costs begin to rise, but because prices rise also, business remains profitable.
What is a recession (contraction)?
A recession, or contraction, is a downturn in economic activity. Common usage defines a recession as a fall in real GDP for two successive quarters. As output falls, so do employment and household incomes. Profits drop and some firms encounter financial difficulties. Investments that looked profitable with the expectation of continually rising income now appear unprofitable. It may not even be worth replacing capital equipment as it wears out because unused capacity is increasing steadily.
What is a depression?
In historical discussions, a recession that is deep and long lasting is often called a depression, such as the Great Depression in the early 1930s, during which aggregate output fell by 30 percent and the unemployment rate increased to 20 percent!
What are the different names for the falling/rising half of business cycle?
These terms are non-technical but descriptive: The entire falling half of the business cycle is often called a slump, and the entire rising half is often called a boom.
What is an Output gap?
Output gap
Actual output minus potential output, .
Y - Y* = Output gap
When the actual output is less than potential output ( Y
What is a recessionary gap?
Recessionary gap
A situation in which actual output is less than potential output, Y < Y*.
What is an Inflationary gap?
Inflationary gap
A situation in which actual output exceeds potential output Y > Y*
When actual output exceeds potential output (Y>Y∗)(Y>Y*), the gap measures the market value of production in excess of what the economy can produce on a sustained basis. Y can exceed Y∗Y* because workers may work longer hours than normal or factories may be operating extra shifts.
What is an important caveat when thinking about economic growth?
Although economic growth makes people materially better off on average, it does not necessarily make every individual better off.
For example, if growth involves significant changes in the structure of the economy, such as a shift away from agriculture and toward manufacturing (as happened in the first part of the twentieth century), or away from manufacturing and toward services (as has been happening for a few decades), then these changes will reduce some people’s material living standards for extended periods of time.