5.11 - Multi hazard environments Flashcards
What is a civil servant
Someone who works for the public administration of the government
What is crowdsourcing
Obtaining information by enlisting the services of a large number of people via the internet
Define denuded
Something that has been stripped of it’s covering or possessions. E.g. without vegetation
Define disaster hotspot
An area that is vulnerable to two or more hazards
Define GDP
Monetary value of the total value of goods that country produces in a given time
Define gross (GDP)
The total amount
Define western hemisphere
Half of Earth that contains the Americas
Define Human development index
Includes life expectancy at birth, expected years of schooling and the GNI per capita
Define life expectancy
The age you are expected to be when you die
Define mass wasting
MM - Downward movement of material due to gravity
Define multiple hazard
More than one hazard in a given space
Define net figure
Amount left over after deductions (profit, not money earned)
Define per capita
Per person
Define Purchasing Power Party
Compare the GDP of different countries as identical goods should have the same price. Evaluate over/under valued currencies