50. Nutrition in Sport Flashcards
I have to do an abstract and a presentation for this topic, what is it on?
Vegetarian Rowers and creatine supplements
What are the governments guidelines on healthy eating
5 portions of fruti and veg
2 portions of sutainably osurced fish pe week
Low fat sugar and dairy
Carbohydrates -45%
unsaturated and fatty acidoils in small amounts
sugar and chocolates in small amounts
6-8 glasses of water per day
2000kcal/2500kcal for men and woman
What is the recommendations for protein and carbohydrates and fats in men and woman aged 19-64
Protein- 56g, 45g
Carbs- 300g, 270g
Fats- 100g, 80g
What have studies about atheltes eating shown with regards to training and eating habits
Train- 9 times per week
Eat- 5 time per day
Eat on avergae 144Kj/Kg but varies between sex and competitive event
What is the aim of nutritional support
Maintain energy supply
Promote tissue adaptation, growth and repair
Promote immune function and resisitance to illness and infection
Rehears and refine competition strategies
Discuss the primary energy supplies comapred to VO2 max
At rest- plasma derived FFA and plasma glucose
30-50%- FFA, glucose and muscle glycogen
80-100%- Muscle glycogen and plasma glucose (Carbs)
Where are the carbohydrate stores in the body
Liver- 70-100g (280-400Kcal)
Muscle glycogen- 300-400g (1200-1600Kcal)
Plasma glucose (not store)- 3g (12Kcal) doesnt change
What rate of exercise can be used per min
3-4g of carbohydrate per minute
How much of the muscle glycogen store can be used in high intensity exercise
10s- 10%
30s- 1/3rd
Discuss the important points surroundign carbohydrates and exercise
Liver glycogen levels are used throughout prolonegd exercise
High carbohydrate intake is essential for hard training
Stores need replenished after exercise
What are the recommendations for athletes?
60-70% of the total energy intake
Exercise over 90 minutes- 7-10g of carbohydrate per Kg body weight
When is optimum time to eat carbohydrates after exercise
Within 30-60 minutes of finishing exercise
1-2g per Kg
What is the effect of low carbohydrate intake
Weight loss
Loss of glycogen stores- prevents consitent hard training
Increase protein oxidation- loss of muscle tissue
What is the optimum diet for performance
High carbohydrate diet improves performance in time to maximal exhaustion (3-5 mins of work)
What is the recommended daily allowance for protein in a normal individual?
What is the recommended recommended daily allowance for an athelte?
0.65g/ kg
No more than 2g/kg per day
Good review paper in the slides
How does dehydration effect performance
“Hypohydration negatively effects performance”
How does electrolyte supplmentation affect hypohydration
More electrolytes = better to maintain hydration
100mmol/L with sodium is great to maintain hydration
What beverages are best to maintaining hydration
Oral rehydration solution
How does creatine help with energy production
Hydrolysis of phosphocreatine helps produce ATP
Also acts as an intracellular buffer
Only valid in the first 30s of
Discuss the synthesis of creatine?
Meat, poultry and fish- dietry source
Synthesis in kidney, liver and pancreas around 1g/day
Excrete around 1g/day in urine
“Data from Harris and Holtman”
What is the best way to ingest creatine?
Carbohydrate and creatine
What is the prevelane of dietary supplements in sport
Why do athletes take supplements
Increased Energy metabolism/ CNS stimulus
Reduce body mass
Reduce infection- glutamine and Vit D
What are the risks of dietary supplements?
May not work
Steroids inside
Waste money
low quality
Contaminated- 40% have pro-hormone