20. Module 3- Satellite Cells Flashcards
I have to do an abstract on this topic, what it is on?
Satellite cell activation, control and self-renewal
Why do we not run out of stem cells?
What are stem cells
Undifferntiated cells
Able to renew themselves via cell division
Give rise to differentiated and specialized cells
What is the difference between determination and differentiation
Determination- develops into a precursor for finsihed cells
Differentation- Into a specific cell type
What are totipotent stem cells?
Precursor to all cells
Can become anything
What are blastocyst containing pluripotent stem cell
Next step from totipotent cell, strating to limit range of change
Still have a wide range of potential
Give three examples of determined stem cells?
Heamopioetic- turns into blood cells
Nueral stem cells- turns into neural cells
Mesenchymal stem cells- Turns into bone cells
Satelite cells (bonus!)- muscle cells
What is the role of stem cells in adults?
Maintenece of tissue
repair of tissue
growth of tissue
plasticity of tissue (change fibre types)
What are the fates of stem cells
Quiescence (resting)
Proliferate (grow further stem cells)
Specilisation (differentiation)
Apoptosis (death)
Discuss the cell cycle
Stage one mitosis- production of daughter cell
G1/Gap 1- gap between mitosis and DNA replicaiton.
S- synthesis stage
Gap 2- preperation for next step of mitosis
Where are quiescent cells in the cell cycle
G1/G0 phase
“arrested” in this phase
When does death typically occur in the cell cycle?
What criteria is required in order for the progresion of the cell cycle
Growth factos/cytokines
Cell to cell contract
Nutreient content
DNA integrity/error free
What controls cell cycle progression
Cyclins- cyclic proteins whose concetrations influence cell cycle progression
Cell cycle checkpoints
What are the purpose of stem cells in the muscle?
Allow muscle to change size
Allow cell to change numbers
Allow muscles to change fibre type
Allow musces to change metabolic characteristics
Allow for remodelling and regeneration
Discuss the steps of differentiaiton to form myotubes
Mesodermal stem cells
Determined myoblasts (forms quiescent satellite cells)
Differentiated myotubules
How are satellite cells involed in repair and regeneration
Macrophages recycle/remove debris
Satellite cell starts to divide
Form and rebuild new muscle fibres
Re-synthesis of sarcomeric protein
What is the myonuclear domain principle?
Each myotubule is controlled in a small region by each myonuclei
How are satellite cells involved in hypertrophy?
Satellite cells are recruited for increased muscle volume as well as more myonuclei
How can a satellite cell give rise into cells that are non-identical
Perpendicular division allows for cell division in which cells divide with one daughter cell going into the muscle and the other cell staying in the basal lamina