5.0 Build Operating Rooms Flashcards
What is always necessary when creating a Room (SER) record?
Always enter a Location, otherwise it will never be found.
What is different about this Snapboard report as compared to the ones you have seen previously for locations such as EMH OR?
- There are no blocks to schedule cases into. Without blocks, the OR rooms will appear as unavailable for scheduling.
- If you see red frowny faces beneath the names of your ORs on your Snapboard report, this means that the case you have selected in the Depot cannot be scheduled into that room.
What kind of provider (SER) record created for OpTime can be setup with a template?
Any provider (SER) record created for OpTime can be set up with a template, however they are typically only configured for operating rooms.
What are the four Room Block Types for a Schedule?
- Service: A surgical service such as general or vascular.
- Physician/Surgeon: An individual surgeon. The name of the block depends on the Location Type;
- Physician: Invasive Cardiology
- Surgeon: Surgical Group: A preconfigured list of surgeons. Unblocked: The room is open, but not reserved for one of the above groups.
What is On Hold Time?
On hold time: Reserved time that only users with specific security can use for scheduling.
Why would a room be set to Unavailable/Time Off?
Times that a room is closed for maintenance or other reasons. This will show up as red to remind schedulers that they cannot use this time.
What if a room appears grey on a schedule?
The room is closed. Emergency cases can be scheduled into these times, but only by users with specific security.
What do you need to make sure to do to copy a whole week’s schedule forward?
When you want to copy whole weeks using the copy week ( ) button, you have to make sure you have seven days selected on the calendar. If you don’t, you will not be able to copy an entire week and the button will remain greyed out.
Why would the Indefinite checkbox when setting up a room template not work?
If Include Weekends and Include Holidays are unchecked.
What to do when you can’t select Indefinite?
The Indefinite box can be grayed out when copying more complex patterns where days are skipped. You can get around this by entering a date in the To Date field that is far in the future, such as “y+20”.
When will OpTime release some room appointment blocks?
That OpTime System Definitions is configured to release some blocks when the day of surgery is less than 2 days out. If you click on today or tomorrow’s date, you will not see your blocks. If you click on a date next week, you will see them all.
What does the On Time Starts report do?
Starting cases on time maximizes OR efficiency. Late cases can cause operating rooms to run late, leading to overtime costs, case cancellations, increased patient wait times, and general frustration among patients and staff. Reporting on On Time Starts helps to identify areas where your organization can improve. These reports often focus separately on first cases in a room and all other cases, subsequent cases, in a room. This is because if the first case is late, likely all cases in that room will be late for the day.
Can I delete a block?
Yes. Either right‐click the block and choose Delete, or use the Delete button to delete a row.
Can I undo my work?
Not exactly. The refresh button resets your template to its last saved state. If you haven’t saved since the mistake, that mistake and any other work you’ve done will be cleared. If you’ve already saved your work, then you’ll need to correct it manually.
Can I set up a pattern less frequently than every day, week, or month?
Yes. You can choose a different Copy Method (Days, Weeks, or Months) and adjust the Number of…between field. For example, to set up a single day’s block to happen every three weeks, you would choose the Copy Day function, use a Copy method of Weeks, and set the Number of…between field to “3”.
What two pieces of build are needed for a fully configured operating room?
Room (SER) record and Template
Which of the above two pieces of build (Room (SER) record and Template) is a part of an organization’s facility structure?
Room (SER) record
You have an OR location with 10 rooms, OR 01 through OR 10. Your scheduler says they cannot see OR 05 on the Snapboard at all. What are some reasons the room may not be showing?
They may not be running the right Snapboard report; the Snapboard report may not have OR 05 listed as a room; the room (SER) record may not be connected to an OR Location.
The same scheduler is having issues scheduling a general service case for your Hunter surgeon into OR 03 two weeks from now. The room is open at that time. Based on what you know about templates, why might they be unable to schedule into an open room?
The room may be blocked for a different service type or for a different surgeon/surgeon group. You can only schedule into room that has a matching service or surgeon/surgeon group or is unblocked.