5 - The EU and International Climate Regimes Flashcards
What does this lecture on the EU and international climate regimes touch upon? (5)
1/ EU ability to effectively participate in int. climate regimes (ICRs)
2/ EU decision-making in participating in ICRs
3/ relationship EU-MS participating in ICRs
4/ role and place of trade liberalisation & investment protection objectives in ICRs
5/ EU’s ambitions in shaping ICRs
Considerations on the UNFCCC? (6)
1/ concluded in 1992, into force 1994
2/ commitment to address climate change
3/ precautionary approach (art. 3(3))
4/ attempt to agree on differentiated system based on capabilities and exposure to CC (art. 3(2))
5/ all parties have soft obligations
6/ only developed country parties have mitigation obligations
Considerations on EU in the UNFCCC? (5)
1/ pushed for its adoption
2/ market-based approach
3/ little influence on the details
4/ top down (EU) vs bottom up approach
5/ objectives vs policies
Considerations on Kyoto Protocol? (2)
1/ concluded 1997, into force 2005
2/ failure of US ratification
Considerations on EU and Kyoto Protocol? (5)
1/ top down emission reduction targets
2/ market-based flexibility mechanisms
3/ doubt of EU authenticity
5/ Russia as key player to reach ratification threshold for entry into force
Considerations on the ‘failure of Copenhagen’? (4)
1/ Obama conducted negotiations outside official framework and proposed weak agreement
2/ disagreement on top down vs bottom up might have been the breaking point
3/ market-based system rejected in Copenhagen
4/ role of DCs
Considerations on Paris Agreement? (6)
1/ concluded and entered into force in 2015
2/ objectives in Art. 2(1)
3/ prevention principle
4/ top down objectives
5/ bottom up approach (eg. NDCs)
6/ both developed and developing countries have core mitigation obligations (Art. 4(2))
Considerations on EU Treaties post-Lisbon? (5)
1/ Art. 191 TFEU: climate change
2/ Arts. 2 & 3 TEU: values and objectives, no mention of environment
3/ Art. 21(2)(d)&(f) TEU: external objectives, small and limited reference to envt
4/ Art. 218 TFEU: int. agreements
5/ Art. 218(9) TFEU: position in IOs
What is a general conclusion that can be drawn from the EU Treaties post-Lisbon? (2)
1/ questions of envtal protection are not prevalent
2/ reference to climate change only since Lisbon in Art. 191 TFEU
Considerations on the EU’s competence and representation in the context of climate change? (6)
1/ there has been a change in EU representation in IOs post-Lisbon
2/ Art. 216 TFEU: 4 bases for EU adoption of an international agreement (almost always makes the EU competent)
3/ Art. 17(1) TEU: external representation
4/ Art. 218(4) TFEU: negotiator
5/ Art. 219(1) TFEU: EU delegations
6/ political statements depending on their aim and content
How is competence to make political statements determined? (2)
1/ aim and content of measure (substance)
2/ not form
Considerations on EU-Australia ETS case (2015)? (5)
1/ case about negotiating directives’ reach
2/ procedural vs substantive constraints on negotiation
3/ Art. 218(4) TFEU institutional balance
4/ rejection of arguments in favor of substantive constraints on negotiation
5/ question of democratic control
Why is there a question about democratic control regarding the impossibility of imposing substantive constraints on negotiator? (2)
1/ EC has very little democratic legitimacy as opposed to national representatives within the Council
2/ leakage pbs could occur if all powers given to Council
Considerations on the case of maritime protected areas (2018)? (4)
1/ case about the competence to make decision on the protection of maritime areas
2/ argument of exclusive competence dismissed by CJEU
3/ question of envtal policy vs other policies (tension?)
4/ Art. 11 TFEU (integration envtal objectives)
Considerations on MS scope for action in int. bodies? (3)
1/ Art. 4(3) TEU: EU loyalty, constraining MS
2/ OIV case (2014): even if EU is not member of an IO, MS are kept in check by duty of loyalty where EU interests come into play
3/ PFOS case (2010): concerted position of EU prohibits MS from taking different position in IO