4 - Autonomy of EU Law and Mixed Agreements in Areas of CTI Flashcards
What does this lecture on autonomy of EU law and mixed agreements in areas of CTI touch upon? (6)
1/ legal and political reasons for mixity in trade agreements
2/ consequences of mixity in trade agreements
3/ autonomy of EU law and consequences for IAs binding the EU
4/ constraints autonomy EU law imposes on decision-making
5/ ability of EU to conclude IAs containing DS mechanisms
6/ safeguards IAs need to contain to preserve autonomy EU law
General considerations on CETA? (5)
1/ mixed agreement
2/ FTA of basic level
3/ liberalises trade of goods and services btwn EU and Canada
4/ provisions on regulatory cooperation
5/ investment chapter with ISDS mechanism
What did Wallonia do regarding CETA? (2)
1/ blocked CETA
2/ possible bc foreign policy powers fall within competence of Walloon parliament and mixed agreements require ratification of all MS before they enter into force
What did Belgium do in light of Wallonia’s blocking of CETA?
Belgium requested opinion from CJEU on whether CETA is compatible with Treaties (Opinion 1/17)
What are mixed agreements? (3)
1/ IAs concluded jointly by EU and MS
2/ both EU and MS are exercising their competences over part of the agreement
3/ hallmark of EU external relations law bc allow EU to conclude IAs in areas outside of its competence
Why are mixed agreements concluded? (3)
1/ compulsory mixity: legal necessity for mixed agreement bc EU and MS exclusive competence
2/ facultative mixity: choice to go for mixed agreement bc shared or parallel competence
3/ cf duty of loyalty
Considerations on the negotiation of mixed agreements? (4)
1/ require a decision authorising negotiations and issuing negotiating directives
2/ such a decision is an act producing legal effects
3/ such a decision must therefore comply with basic constitutional requirements
4/ procedure must be transparent, but most often still unclear in practice
What are the basic constitutional requirements to be fulfilled by the decision authorising negotiations and containing negotiating directives for mixed agreements? (2)
1/ indication of legal basis (Commission v Council (CITES))
2/ no possibility of hybrid decisions (Commission v Council)
Why are hybrid decisions for negotiation and negotiating directives mixed agreements not authorised? (4)
Commission v Council
1/ procedures established under EU Treaties must be followed
2/ autonomy of EU legal order does not allow MS to participate in EU decision-making
3/ EU institutions cannot participate in areas of MS competences
4/ hybrid acts would make it impossible to discern which acts reflect will of Council and which the will of the MS
Procedure for conclusion mixed agreements? (2)
1/ Council and MS decision required
2/ hybrid decisions not possible
What is the usual practice for the conclusion of mixed agreements? (4)
1/ practice of the ‘common accord’
2/ Council waits to adopt its decision on conclusion of IA until all MS have accomplished their national ratifications
3/ rationale: EU does not wish incomplete mixity
4/ however, practice of common accord is not a requirement flowing from the Treaties, Art. 218 TFEU in particular (Opinion 1/19)
Considerations on the implementation of mixed agreements? (3)
1/ duty of loyal cooperation requires that MS and EU institutions have an obligation of close cooperation
2/ amounts to duty to inform and consult
3/ also duty to remain silent and to abstain
When is there a duty to abstain? (4)
1/ see Commission v Sweden (PFOS)
2/ existence of a common strategy
3/ disassociation from common strategy
4/ which has consequences for the EU
Who has jurisdiction to interpret mixed agreements? (4)
1/ ECJ
2/ but only insofar as EU has exercised its powers
3/ if EU has not exercised its powers nor adopted provisions to implement obligations deriving from mixed agreement, the obligations derived from the mixed agreement continue to be covered by national law of MS (Slovak Bears I)
4/ in such cases, it is for NCs of MS to determine the legal effects of the IA on the basis of national law (Slovak Bears I)
Procedure for withdrawal from mixed agreements? (3)
1/ Art. 218 TFEU does not specify procedure to be followed
2/ arguably, same procedure as for conclusion IAs should be followed
3/ cf also practice of ‘coordinated withdrawal’, which is not a legal requirement but preferable from a PIL pov