3 - Nature & Scope EU Powers in Areas of CTI and Legal Effects of IAs in EU Legal Order Flashcards
What does lecture on nature & scope EU powers and legal effects of IAs in EU legal order touch upon? (7)
1/ nature and scope of EU’s powers in areas of CTI
2/ distribution of competences btwn EU and MS
3/ determination of correct legal basis
4/ linkages btwn EU trade&investment policy and climate policy
5/ legal effects of EU IAs in EU legal order in areas of CTI
6/ jurisdiction EU courts to interpret IAs
7/ direct effect, conform interpretation of IAs and liability EU&MS for breaches of IAs
What are key elements to keep in mind regarding EU IAs? (3)
1/ EU competence to conclude IAs: pcple of conferral of powers
2/ scope EU competence: express and implied powers
3/ nature EU competence: exclusive and shared powers (Art. 2(1)(2) TFEU, respectively)
What do exclusive powers entail? (2)
1/ only EU can adopt legally binding acts in areas of exclusive competence
2/ but MS may still act in such areas if express authorisation from EU institutions
Where are exclusive powers of EU codified?
Art. 2(1) TFEU, Art. 3(1) TFEU
Where are shared powers codified?
Art. 2(2) TFEU, Art. 4 TFEU
What is a pcple governing the exercise of shared powers?
Preemptive effect
What is role of pcple of conferral of powers? Legal basis? (4)
1/ Art. 5(2) TEU
2/ EU can act only within limits of competences conferred upon it
3/ pcple must be respected both in internal and international action of EU (Opinion 2/94, para 24)
4/ the choice of legal basis has constitutional significance (Opinion 2/00, para 5)
Why does choice of correct legal basis for decisions concluding IAs have constitutional significance? (3)
1/ affects validity of decision concluding IA
2/ consequences for horizontal DP
3/ consequences for vertical DP
Why does choice of correct legal basis for decisions concluding IAs have international relevance? (2)
1/ invalidation can create complications for EU under IL as it vitiates EU consent to be bound by IA
2/ legal basis is also indication for partners of division of responsibilities under IA
What is a relevant example to illustrate the significance of choice of legal basis for decision concluding IA?
Art. 207 TFEU vs Art. 192 TFEU
Characteristics Art. 207 TFEU? (3)
1/ EU exclusive competence
2/ EC exclusive negotiator
3/ jurisdiction ECJ to interpret provisions IA
Characteristics Art. 192 TFEU? (5)
1/ shared competence
2/ EU can choose to exercise its powers
3/ MS can still adopt more stringent envtal measures
4/ Council appoints EU negotiator for IA
5/ jurisdiction ECJ to interpret provisions IA only insofar as EU has exercised its powers
When can EU negotiate IAs? Legal basis? (6)
1/ not every area within Treaties expressly codifies ability of EU to conclude IAs
2/ cf Art. 216(1) TFEU (codification CJEU case law)
3/ when Treaties so provide
4/ when conclusion IA is necessary to achieve one of Treaties’ objectives
5/ when conclusion IA is provided for in an EU legally binding act
6/ when conclusion IA is likely to affect common rules or alter their scope
When does EU have exclusive treaty-making powers? (4)
1/ in areas of exclusive competence (Art. 3(1) TFEU)
2/ when conclusion is provided for in EU legislative act (Art. 3(2) TFEU)
3/ when conclusion is necessary to enable EU to exercise internal competence (Art. 3(2) TFEU, Opinion 1/76)
4/ insofar as conclusion IA affects common rules or alters their scope (Art. 3(2) TFEU, ERTA)
Considerations on shared treaty-making powers? (4)
1/ here, EU can choose to exercise its powers
2/ ECJ has jurisdiction to interpret extent to which EU exercised its powers (OTIF
3/ ECJ has jurisdiction to interpret those parts of IA for which EU exercised its powers (OTIF)
4/ above applies to implied shared powers (Opinion 2/91)
Contribution of Opinion 2/91 regarding implied shared powers? (2)
1/ when EU law and IA lay down minimum standards, the IA cannot affect common rules or alter their scope (para 18)
2/ thus, no exclusive but shared treaty-making powers
What are EU’s powers in areas of trade and investment? (3)
1/ imbrication of trade & investment agreements
2/ EU has explicit and exclusive competence for trade agreements
3/ investment agreements are traditionally charted territory of MS
Considerations on EU trade agreements? (3)
1/ EU is founding member of WTO (= multilateral trade liberalisation agreement)
2/ around 33 trade liberalisation agreements are currently in force
3/ 16 trade liberalisation agreements are currently provisionally applied
Considerations on EU investment agreements? (2)
1/ EU only party to ECT
2/ several agreements have been negotiated and are in process of ratification (e.g. CETA)
What are opposing views on competence in area of CCP? (2)
1/ EC: broad view of EU powers under Art. 207 TFEU
2/ MS and Council: more restrictive view regarding scope Art. 207 TFEU, in favor of sticking to its wording
What is the main means through which EC asks for clarification on scope EU powers under Art. 207 TFEU?
Requesting opinions from CJEU
Relevant cases pre-Lisbon on scope EU powers under Art. 207 TFEU? (3)
1/ Opinion 1/75
2/ Opinion 1/78
3/ Opinion 1/94