(5) Sport Psychology Flashcards
What is a common misconception about sports psychologists?
They are clinical psychologists
Fundamental principle of sport psychology
Mind controls the body
What is optimal absolute performance based on?
Genetics + physiology
What are training regimens designed to improve?
Absolute function
Will training regimens impact everyone the exact same?
No, disproportionately help athletes with bette physiological capacities
What are external factors of performance?
Temperature, wind, venue etc.
What are internal factors on performance?
Physical (injury, fatigue, etc.) or mental (focus, attention, anxiety)
What are the results of optimal stress/adrenaline production?
Peak performance
What are the results of too much anxiety/adrenaline?
Impairment of fine motor function, blood flow disrupted, impaired decision making, tense muscles
What are the results of too little stress/adrenaline?
Does not stimulate performance
Cognitive anxiety
Impairs cognitive function, impacts decision making
What behavioural therapy can be used to help relieve athlete’s anxiety
Somatic anxiety control
Helps regulate autonomic arousal abdominal associated physiological changes
Individualized therapy
Psych impediments unique to each individual, sports psychologist helps remove impediments
Outcome of the biofeedback stress report (Canadian speedskaters)
Met with groups of professionals every week for 3 years and were taught self-regulation competencies -> improvement in individual/team rankings