(2) Cognitive Psychology Flashcards
What is modern cognitive psychology?
Science of the mind, attention/perception/memory/ decision making
Opt-in vs Opt-out systems (results)
Opt-in countries have low rates, opt-out countries have high participation rates
Object memory - rate these categories from easiest to hardest to remember
Novel, exemplar, state
What is easier to remember, images or words (and why)
images, less brain power, recognition > recall
What is easier to recognize, novel or familiar items?
Novel detection
Recognizing that the image/stimulus is unfamiliar
Bartlett: War of Ghosts findings
Accurate recalls rare, participants “create own story” unconsciously
Thinking and Memory are
- Product of experience
- Dynamic neural activation
- Not always perfect
- Context matters
3 Factors impacting decision making
Extent to which individual is
- Informed
- Sensitive
- Rational
Psychological perspective on decision-making
Typically choices are not independent
Computer analogy
Information input -> central processing -> behavioural output
(repeat until optimal output achieved)
Quality of input =
Quality of output
Use it or lose it phenomenon
- Consistent use -> improvement/ expertise
- Reinforces neural networks
Bayes Theorum
probability of event occurring depends on prior knowledge of conditions related to the event
Bayesian inference formula
Belief = (likelihood x prior knowledge)/evidence)
Collective intelligence factor (c value)
Predicted performance on wide range of tasks, unrelated to average group IQ
How does few members dominating a group impact the c value?
Lowers it
How does even group discussion impact c value?
Who scores higher on social sensitivity (men or women?)
Women (shocker)
What is the main issue with the Group-Think study?
Failed replication
What factors predict if groupwork will be more beneficial than individual work? (2)
- To what extent does the goal depend on multiple perspectives?
- Are members equipped to solve the problem?
What is perception?
Interpretation of sensory signals
How does brain handle “ambiguous” input?
Prior knowledge
Findings of the “Facial Resemblance Enhances Trust” study
More likely to trust player if the image of their face had been morphed with their own
Words can only be understood with ________ capacity
True or false, perceptions of world are limited by words in language
What is limited by words in language spoken?
Fluency and ease of processing (aware of difference but no word to describe)
Which is stronger, primacy or recency effect
Why is recall easier for lists of same items?
Better organization = easier search (mentally)