5: Nail Pathologies, Nail Shapes Flashcards
- Describe the Oval nail shape:
-file the tip of the nail into an egg shape (pointed end) and file away some of the sides of the nail
-weakens the nail to some extent, but is a flattering feminine shape
-like by women with short and mid-;eight nails
-suited for thick, wide nails or nails which hook over
—this nail shape gives those nails a more delicate appearance
- Describe the Squoval (oval with squared off tip) nail shape:
- file away the sides slightly as if creating an oval nail, but the tip is squared off instead of being rounded
- useful to narrow a too-wide nail, and the squared off tips adds to the strength by giving a more even weight distribution should the nail be banged against a hard surface
- Describe the Round nail shape
- used to be thought of as the classical nail shape
- filed away at the sides and softly pointed at the tip so that the finished whole shape of the nail is similar to an almond
- not very strong
- if damage occurs to the side of the nail, the length has to be filed away to eliminate the damage
- Describe the Square nail shape:
- allow the side to grow straight forward without any shaping, then file the tip straight across at right angles to the rest of the nail plate without any curvature
- very popular in the 60’s
- popular with clients with long nails who wish to draw attention to them
- short square shape makes hands look blunt and heavy
- long quart shape makes a good base for nail art designs
- Describe the Pointed nail shape:
- filed away at both sides and to a point at the tip
- it is the weakest as it has no strength to support at the sides
- breaks very easily
- old fashioned and unflattering to the hand
What is an ideal length for the nails to be trimmed to?
- for an elegant length which will still be practical and manageable, it is desirable that the free edge of the nail be up to half as long as the main body of the nail
- this length is balanced and attractive and most normal nails can support this length
Describe the curved fingers nail problem:
- index and ring fingers are the usual ones to curve
- index finger usually slants towards the little finger and the ring finger often bending towards the thumb
- nail tip must be filed away more on one side than the other to give the appearance of a straight finger
- if slant of fingers is ignored and the nail tip is shaped to follow the main body of the nail, then the curvature will be emphasized
Describe the “Nail plate too narrow and small” problem
- to grow the nails long would draw attention to the smallness of the body of the nail
- this type also has a tendency to curl under sideways, creating a point to the tip
-dont let this type grow too long
-file this shape into squoval
— this shape will give extra width so the finished nail will look a reasonable normal shape once the curling has developed
Describe the Fan shape nail problem:
- a common and unfortunate nail shape - body of nail widens out as it gets nearer to the tip
- filing away sides as if trying to make an oval shape will give the desired straight sided shape to the nail tip
- this type of nail is often flat and does not have natural strength to grow very long
- a short oval or round nail is probably the best shape to aim for
- Describe the duck-billed nail shape problem:
-these nails curve upwards when left to grow to any length
- dont let the nail grow past the point where it begins to curve
- choose oval or almond shape as this will narrow the flat tip and lessen appearance of any upswing
Describe the flat nail problem:
-prone to bending backward so they can develop cracks at the side of the nail along with weakness
- needs to filed away at the sides a little to eliminate bulk and create a flattering almond or oval shape
- the cracks will have to be filed out or repaired as they occur
- a reasonably short length is best
- Describe the claw nails shape problem:
- curve downward when ;eft to grow at any length
- often excessively curved sideways as well
-dont let grow too long (nail weakest where it bends over fingertip)
—-if nail is banged pressure is greatest on this area (more prone to cracking)
-if nail is thick and wide it needs thinning at the sides to create a more delicate, attractive oval or almond shape
-if the nail has excessive sideways curvature, then the sides must be left to grow straight forwards, adding the shape
Who are at most risk for infection of the nails?
- people who have been on antibiotics, which kill the beneficial bacteria allowing yeast to proliferate
- people with poor nutrition
- poor general health, particularly immune deficiency
- nail infections can be first sign of HIV
-poor nutrition can lead to soft, brittle nails
- Terms used for nail pathologies:
- Onyx= Latin word for nail
- onychosis= any disorder of the nail
- onychia= inflammation of nail bed
- paronychia= inflammation of tissues surrounding nail
- periungul= “around the nail”
- subungual= “under the nail”
- what is ringworm of the nail (onychomycosis) (diseases of the nail )
- fungal infection of combined tines (fungal) and candida (yeast)
- may also include bacterial infection
- can be related to 2 main causes: trauma and those which can spread to the nail area from a skin infection
- Describe the appearance of ringworm of the nail (onychomycosis)
- nail becomes soft, furrowed and deformed
- first seen as white patched or puts on or around the nail surface or its edges, followed by establishment of infection beneath the nail plate
- What is the treatment for ringworm of the nail (onychomycosis):
- prevent further infection
- no mani/ pedi given
- medical treatment required
- Describe candida infection (a yeast-like infection):
-those predisposed are: diabetics, antibiotics use, birth control pills, poor nutrition, immunosuppressive diseases
- Describe the appearance of Candida on nails:
Yellow inflammation and will lift from the skin
- infected portion can become thick and discoloured
- eventually nail may separate
- Describe treatment for candida of the nail:
- contagious/ can be spread on body and other customers
- medical treatment required
- What are beaus lines of the nail (diseases of the nail):
-may develop in response to diabetes mellitus, syphilis, myocarditis, peripheral vascular disease, zinc deficiency, illnesses accompanied by high fever (scarlet fever), measles, mumps and pneumonia
- Describe the appearance of beaus lines:
- transverse depressions of all the nails that appear at the base of lunula weeks after stressful event has temporarily interrupted nail formation
- lines progress distally with normal nail growth and eventually disappear at the free edge
- Describe the treatment for beaus lines:
- if the ridges are deep, the hollow can be filed in using most nail extension materials (e.g gels, fibreglass) to give smooth surface
- natural progression should be encouraged in order to avoid the new nail from becoming deformed in any way
- Describe Onychia:
-injury, bacterial infection, improper sterilization
- Describe the treatment for onychia:
- prevent spread of infection
- no mani/ pedi
- medical treatment required
- Describe verruca:
- warts can be found on hands, fingers and occasionally under nails
- they are skin coloured to brown and rough with a pitted surface
- caused by a virus and is infectious
- highly contagious and spread easily
- Describe the treatment of verruca?
- medical treatment required- refer client to doctor
- treatment with burning liquid nitrogen or with creams and solutions
- Describe Paranychia:
- mainly caused by bacterial or fungal infection
- it may be caused by severe nail biting, unsanitary instruments, harsh manicure procedure around cuticle
- clients whose hands are in water constantly
- Describe the appearance of Paranychia:
- cuticles and nail fold and become swollen
- pus may be present
- the nail plate becomes darkened and deformed
- Describe treatment for Paranychia:
- do not work on this client
- refer to doctor
- Describe onycholysis (nail separation)
- may be caused by trauma to the nail such as injury, constant pressure from shoes or boots or excessive use of water and detergent
- psoriasis, ringworm, infections an thyroid problems can also result in onycholysis
- people on tetracycline and then have sun exposure may also experience onycholysis
- contact dermatitis caused by nail hardeners with formaldehyde and poorly applied artificial nails are other causes
- Describe the appearance of onycholysis (nail separation)
- it can be caused by trauma to the nail bed
- the nail will separate usually starting at the free edge
- variety of fungi and yeast may be maintained in such infection
- Describe treatment for onycholysis (nail separation)
-at unaccountable lifting, long-term lifting or increase in the size of a lifted area must be viewed with suspicion and referred t a doctor for correct diagnosis and treatment
- What is a often recommended to treat mild forms of nail fungal infections?
- tea tree oil is often recommended
- client soaks effected nails in oil daily
- other medical treatments may be given by a medical doctor
- Describe trauma to the nail (nail disorders)
-any kind of gross damage to nail can cause damage, bruising or crushing injuries
Describe appearance of nail traumas:
- can have ridges or discolouration
* all disorders of the nail are important to know * —>
Describe treatment for nail traumas:
=avoid nail if trauma is recent or needs medical attention
-if an old injury, work gently on the area
Describe hangnail/ Agnail (nail disorders):
-caused by neglect, biting, faulty nail care
Describe the appearance of a hangnail/ agnail
- a splitting of the epidermis around the nail
- pain and infection may accompany this condition
Describe the treatment for hangnail/ agnail
- regular manicure
- softening the nail with cuticle oil
- trimming the broken cuticle with care
Describe eggshell nail/ hapalonychia:
- causes are poor diet lacking Vit D or b
- illness medication or aging
Describe the appearance of eggshell nail/ hapalonychia:
- rounded or raised look of nail bed
- nail colour of the nail bed is brighter than in normal nails
- the nail is weak and does not grow past free edge (if it does it will follow the natural curve of the finger and droop forwards)
Describe treatment for eggshell nails:
- eliminate nail polish removers, avoid having their nails in excessive amounts of water and not have nail mending or artificial nails
- be careful when performing manicures since these nails are very fragile.
- in extreme cases, refer the client to a doctor
Describe ingrown nail/ onychocrypyosis:
- rounding the corner the nails
- wearing tight fitting shoes
- hereditary
Describe the appearance of ingrown nails/ onychocrypyosis:
- nail grows into the flesh on the sides instead of towards the tip of the finger or toe
- neglect may result in a nail infection
Describe treatment for ingrown nails/ onychocrypyosis
- file or cut nails straight across- never rounded
- wear comfortable shoes
- surgical treatment may be required
Describe Flaking, brittle or breaking nails:
- mainly caused by dehydration caused by continuous and excessive use of nail polish and detergents
- also caused by poor diet, aging and medication
Describe the appearance of flaking, brittle, or breaking nails:
- usually have a dull, flat appearance on the surface of the nail
- they look dry with splitting and flaking layers of free edge with little to no flexibility
Describe the treatment for flaking, brittle, breaking nails:
- good hand and nail cream
- refrain from using nail polish and polish remover
- wear gloves during washing dishes
- keep short and file straight across
Describe hypertrophy of the nail/ onychauxis:
-local irritation from uncleanliness, pressure or neglect
Describe the appearance of hypertrophy of the nail/ onychauxis:
-overgrowth of nail in either length or thickness with resultant changes in the shape, colour, and texture
Describe treatment for hypertrophy of the nail/ onychauxis:
Filing the nail body thin by an expert esthetician
Describe lengthwise ridges/ onychorrhexis:
- cause by primarily poor circulation, aging, damage to ail matrix, infections and polish removers or chemical agents
- health problems such as heart or thyroid condition
Describe lengthwise ridges/ onychorrhexis appearance:
- lengthwise ridges that run from the cuticle to the free edge
- there may be one or many
- may be slight or very deep and some may crack
- in minor cases ridges will have whitish appearance
- in extreme cases, they can be red
Describe the treatment for lengthwise ridges/ onychorrhexis:
- nail should be kept short & filed straight across
- in minor cases, a light buffing is acceptable
- avoid artificial nails, nail polish, polish removers, and nail mending
Describe transverse furrows:
-may be caused by illness, damage to the nail plate or improper use of nail machines
Describe the appearance of transverse ridges:
- this nail has ridges that run across the width of the nails
- there may be only one or many and they may be slight or deep with a pink colour in minor cases and a red shade in major cases
Describe the treatment for transverse furrows:
- nail should be kept short and filed straight across
- avoid artificial nails, polish, polish removers, and nail mending
- in extreme cases, refer client to a doctor
Describe split nail/ onychorrhexis:
-caused by nail injury, endocrine deficiency, faulty nail care, frequent washing with hot water and alkaline soap
Describe the appearance of the split nail/ onychorrhexis:
-thinning of the nail and splitting of the nail in longitudinal lines
Describe the treatment for the split nail/ onychorrhexis:
- stop using drying chemicals on the nail
- proper shaping and filing of the nail
- medical treatment to correct endocrine deficiency
Describe Pterygium:
-faulty nail care, such as the damage from having false nails
Describe the appearance of pterygium:
-abnormal overgrowth and adhesion of the cuticles at the base of the nail
Describe the treatment for pterygium:
-us of the orange stick to push back adhering growth
Describe white spots/ leuconychia:
-nail injury, air bubbles within a nail layer
Describe the appearance of white spots/ leuconychia:
-white spots or streaks extending in the nail body
Describe the treatment for white spots/ leuconychia:
- obtain regular manicures
- tend to disappear when nails grow out
Describe nail corrugating/ wavy ridges:
-injuries, faulty nail care, systemic disorders
Describe the appearance of nail corrugations/ wavy ridges:
-uneven growth of the nail resulting in depressions or furrows
Describe treatment for nail corrugations/ wavy ridges:
- use dry buffer and powdered pumice
- medical treatment required to correct systemic disorder
Describe eczema & dermatitis:
- 2 terms used interchangeable as basically they have the same meaning
- they are names given to inflammation of the skin which may result from a variety of factors including both a hereditary disposition and environmental contacts including contact with an irritant such as soap and water, detergent and solvents
Describe the appearance of eczema and dermatitis:
-all forms can give rise to nail changes (including multiple irregular horizionatal ridges, pitting, subungual haemorrhages, hypertrophy, chronic Paranychia (often associated with candida infection), onycholysis and nail shedding
Describe treatment for eczema & dermatitis:
- depending on the conditions present on the nails and skin, using the chemicals might aggravate the eczema
- the cuticle works can be done with care
What is the difference between a gentleman’s manicure and a womens manicure?
-basically the same but most of the time without nail polish
-usually require their nails to be filed short, neat and with a round or square shape to the free edge
-buffing is usually done to give nails natural sheen
—this can be done with chamois leather buffer and paste polish to soaking the nails or with a 3 sided buffer file at the end of the sequence
How should you choose between a chamois leather buffer or a 3 sided buffer for a gentleman’s manicure?
- If he is heavy smoker, or if nails are discoloured due to job (i.e dyes of ink stains) then a 3 sided buffer file can be used to eradicate these stains
- If nails are in relatively good condition, then chamois leather buffing will give a more natural sheen to the nails rather than a high gloss finish