2: Muscles Of The Arm And Hand, Muscles Of Arm And Hand In Preparation For Massage Flashcards
What is the muscular system?
-produces all movement of the body
What does the muscular system do?
- covers the body, gives it shape and holds it erect
How many muscles in the body?
- body has over 500 muscles which comprise 40-50 percent of its body weight
- muscles are responsible for producing almost 85% of the bodies heat
- What is the Deltoid?
-muscle that covers the top of the humerus (the shoulder)
- What is the action of the deltoid?
-abduction of the arm
- What are the biceps brachii?
- located on the anterior surface of the upper arm
- major flexors of the elbow
- What is the action of the biceps brachii?
-to flex the elbow, lift the forearm and turn palm up
- What are the triceps brachii?
- the extensor of the elbow
- only muscle on the posterior surface of the upper arm and attaches at the olecranon process
- What is the brachioradialis?
- major muscle on the extensor surface of the arm
- flexes the elbow, assists in pronation and supination
- attaches to the distal aspect of the humerus and the styloid process of the radius
- you should be able to palpate this muscle
- What is the Palmaris Longus?
- originates at the medial epicondyle of the humerus
- attaches to the palmar fascia
- flexes the wrist and tenses the palmar fascia
- not present in everyone and sometimes present in only one wrist
- check to see if you have this muscle
- What are flexor muscles of the wrist?
- originate at the medial aspect of the distal humerus and is found on the posterior of the forearm
- action is to bend the wrist, draw the hand upwards and close the fingers
- What are extensor muscles of the wrist?
- originate at the lateral aspect of the distal humerus and is found on the posterior of the forearm
- action is to extend the arm, the wrist, the hands and the fingers
- What are the supinators and pronators of the wrist?
- attach to the radius, ulna and humerus
- action is to supinate and pronate the forearm (turns the hand up or down)
- What are the muscles of the hand responsible for?
-abduction and adduction of the fingers and help the hands to grasp objects
- Describe the thumbs / thumb muscles:
-consists of the thenar eminence and is found on the radial border of the hand
- Describe the little finger (muscles of the hand)
-consists of the hypothecated eminence and is found on the ulnar border of the hand
- Describe the central fingers (muscles of the hand)
-consist of the palm and muscles between the metacarpal bones
What is the flexor retinaculum?
-a tough band of fascia that is clinically significant because it is involved in carpal tunnel
—a common problem that many clients complain of
What is the Palmar aponeurosis?
- the tough fascial structure that covers the entire palm of the hand
- attaches to the longus muscle
- one fourth of the population will be lacking this muscle in the human body
Describe the dorsal surface of the hand:
- the long tendons palpable superficially on the dorsal surface are the tendons of the extensor muscles of the fingers
- extend each of your fingers against resistance and locate these muscles
- deep to the extensor muscles are the dorsal interossei muscles which abduct the fingers from the midline
Describe the palmar surface of the hand:
Deep to the aponeurosis are the tendons of the muscles which flex the fingers
Describe the thenar eminence:
-heavy pad of muscle of the palmar surface of the hand proximal to the thumb
—consists of the muscles that move the thumb
Describe the hypothenar eminence:
-smaller pad of muscle on the palmar surface of the hand proximal to the 5th digit (pinkie), distal to the wrist
-consists of 3 muscles
—these muscles are striated tissue and are responsible for taking the body through a range of motions which are under voluntary control
-skeletal muscles are arranged both deeply and superficially within the body depending on their function and action