5: Dynamic Cell Flashcards
What are 2 forms of energy?
- Potential: stored energy
- Kinetic: energy of motion
- amount of heat required to raise temp of 1 gram water by 1 degree
- used in terms of kilocalorie (1000)
Law of Thermodynamics
- conservation of energy
- energy can’t be created or detroyed only changed from 1 form to another
2nd Law of Thermodynamics
- energy can’t be changed from 1 form to another without loss of usabel energy
Forms of usable energy? (4)
- solar energy
- food
- heat (least usable)
increased disorganization that occurs after loss of energy
- example: messy room
Use of ATP
- energy currency
- used to carry out all cells activities
- i.e. synthesizing proteins, transpo, movement of cilia/organelles
Structure of ATP
- sugar ribose
- nitrogen base adenosine
- 3 phosphate groups (negatively charged, making them unstable)
- process of losing posphates: ATP–>ADP + P
use and production of ATP
- ATP used frequently
- ATP rebuilt from ADP + P
- not used for energy storage bc of its instability
Coupled Reaction
brings ATP and energy-requiring reaction together to drive the exchange in energy
Metabolic Pathway
- series of linked reactions that happen in a particular order
- substrate + enzyme + substrate = product

Active Site
part of the enzyme that accomodates specific substrate

Induced Fit Model
wen active site undergoes slight shape change to help reaction to occur
Enzyme Inhibition
when enzyme is prevented from combining with substrate
Feedback Inhibition
regulates cell activity if a substrate or product is too abundant or under abundant
Energy of Activation
the energy needed to cause molecules to react with each other
- enzymes lower the energy required for activation
Passive Transpo: Simple Diffusion
when molecules move down concentration gradient until equilibrium
- passive transpo bc energy isn’t used

Solute vs. Solvent
Solute=solid or gas
Facilitated Diffusion
when ion or molecule diffuses across a membrane faster than expected
- due to channel protein or carrier protein
diffusion of water across semipermeable membrane
- from high concentration to low concentration until equilibrium
- through aquaporins
Isotonic Solution
balanced amount of water inside and outside cell
- normal cell size

Hypotonic Solution
concentration of solute is less, concentration of water is greater outside
- plant cells become turgid (good)

Hypertonic Solution
loss of water due to high concentration of solute outside cell
- plasmolysis: shrinking of cytoplasm due to osmosis

Active Transpo
when molecules or ions move through plasma membrane
- accumulate on one side fo the cell
Bulk Transpo
during exocytosis & endocytosis vesicle formation transpos substances in or out of the cell

when transported material is large
- i.e. amoeba
when vesicles form around liquid or small particles
receptor mediated endocytosis
receptors for particular substances are found at one location in plasma membrane
- more selective