5. demography (f&h) Flashcards
what are the demographic changes in birth rates?
-gov plan policies with regard to social policy, allocation of scarce resources, land etc, need accurate info on pop. trends
-gov able to work out how many school, hospitals housing etc theyll need + number of ppl to run them
-estimate necessary welfare benefits bill
what is demography?
study of population . info on population obtained from sources like office for national statistics
what are the 4 main factors which influence a countrys population?
what are key demographic changes since 1901?
-pop=32 million
-birth rate= 29:1000 pa
-death rate= 18.4;1000 pa
-total f.r= 3.5
-life expectancy= 50 men, 57 women
what are key demographic changes since 2021?
-pop.=56 million
-total f.r= 1.78
-l.e=79 men, 83 women
what are some factors causing these demographic changes?
-improved medicine
-cost of children
-quality of food
safety in workplace
what are the impacts of changes in fertility and birth rates?
-immigration more welcomed when countries pop is falling
-fewer workers= higher wages, can bargain for wages
-more ppl receiving pension & less ppl paying income tax puts pressure on gov
what are some push factors for migration?
-escaping poverty/famine
-lack of jobs & unemployment
-effects on wars
-political & religious persecution
what are some pull factors for migration?
-better opportunities for jobs
-opportunity to study
-higher standard of living
-better healthcare & education
-more political & religious freedom
-joining relatives
what are some push reasons for emigration from the uk?
-better career & job opportunities
-higher earnings
-attraction of better lifestyle
-wanting fresh start
what changes came into effect in 2021, impacting migration in the uk?
-free movement came to an end, EU citizens coming to live or work in uk need to apply for visa
-EU citizens already living in uk had to apply to the EU settlement scheme to continue living in the uk
-brexit aimed to reduce levels of migration and give priority to those with highest skills & greatest talents
what is the migration impact in the UK?
-population size-uk pop. currently growing, net migration shows this is bc of migration dependency ratio- immigrants more likely to be working age
-economy- migrant workers take unwanted jobs, play key role in provision of healthcare
-age structure- immigration lowers average age of population directly & indirectly
-attitudes- fear + distrust of immigrants
what are some reasons for the change in death rates?
-improved hygiene
-working conditions
-health education
-public health
-higher living standards
what are some positive impacts of the change in death rates?
-more ppl= better contribution to economy
-grandparents often play important role in unpaid childcare
-lower crime rates due to ageing population
what are some negative impacts of the change in death rates?
-strain on nhs= older ppl have more illness
-young ppl cant find homes due to older ppl occupying them
-strain on family=women caring for elderly
what does class have to do with the death rates?
-w/c ppl more likely to experience poop working conditions
-w/c less likely to have stable job
-u/c more likely to have better healthcare
-u/c often prioritised
-u/c can afford things they need
what does gender have to do with death rates?
-women more likely to have lower paid job & pension
-men 4x more likely to commit suicide
-not fitting into societies gender expectations increases hate crime
-women have more responsibility with children
what does ethnicity have to do with death rates?
-people from non-western backgrounds more likely to have poor living standard
-immigrants less likely to have degrees
-white ppl more likely to get cancer
-black african families tend to live longer
what are some ONS findings?
-2007-11=men + women in w/c had similar life expectanct to u/cin 1982-86
-w/c women expected to live 4.2 years longer than w/c men
-average life expectancy for men inc more than women
what are positive impacts of the ageing population?
-lawton= new market, purchasing power of older ppl contributes to economy
-older ppl more law abiding= lower crime rates
-more older ppl play role in community as they retire
-grandparents provide unpaid childcare
what are negative impacts of ageing population?
-growing burden of independence
-more poverty
-caring for elderly falls to women who already carry dual burden
-rising cost of nhs due to older ppl having more illness
-isolation + loneliness as friends & partners die
-young ppl have difficulty finding homes due to older ppl occupying them