3.ethnic differences in achievement (e) Flashcards
what is ethnicity?
-cultural background (language, shared history, characteristics)
what is race?
-physical characteristics
what are ethnic groups?
-Tony Lawson and Joan Garrod define them as ‘people who share common history, customs and identity, as well as, language and region
what are some trends in ethnicity and achievement?
-24% of male white students who were on fsm gained 5 A*-C grades
-White & Asian pupils on average achieve higher than Black pupils
-amongst Asians, Indians do better than Bangladeshis and Pakistanis
-within every ethnic group, m/c pupils do better than w/c pupils
-amongst all groups other than Gypsy/Roma children, girls out perform boys
what is cultural deprivation?
-CD theorists look at inadequate socialisation as a reason for educational underachievement in some Black, Asian & minority ethnic students.
-they focus on language, family & support, values & beliefs
what are some evaluation points for language within CD?
-the swan report found that language differences have little impact on educational achievement
-DFEs (2005) found any impact of language declines as children get older. evidence from the DFE (2013) showed that pupilswith english as a 2nd language, who speak another language in their homes, outperformed in the Ebacc compared to classmates who had english as their mother tongue
what are some evaluation points for family & support within CD?
-Keddie (1971)= CD is victim blaming. she argues that ethnic minority children are culturally different, not culturally deprived. schools are ethnocentric
-Lawrence (1982)= challenges Pryces view that Black pupils fail as their culture is weak and they lack self-esteem. he argues it’s instead due to racism
what are some evaluation points for values & beliefs within CD?
-Driver (1977)= says CD theory ignores positive effects of ethnicity on achievement. black caribbean family, far from being dysfunctional, provides girls with positive role models of independent women
-Fuller(1980)= study of group of black girls in yr11 in london comprehensive school shows labels can be rejected-doesnt take into account the role of the individual
what did Palmer (2021) say about external factors?
-almost half of ethnic minority children live in l/c houses
-minority ethnic groups 2x as likely to be unemployed than whites
-minority households 3x as likely to be homeless
-almost half of bangladeshi, and pakistanis earn under £7 an hour compared to 1/4 whites
what are some reasons for material deprivation?
-asylum seekers may be prevented from seeking work
-racism in work & housing may prevent many from gaining jobs and places to live
-many minority ethnic groups live in economically depressed areas with high unemployment
-cultural factors like tradition of purdah in some muslim households, prevents women from working outside the home
-lack of language skills, and foreign qualifications not being recognised by UK employers are more likely to affect recently arrived groups
how does parents who work shifts affect their children’s education?
-can’t attend parents evenings
-no fixed routine
-shift patterns unreliable
-child carer
-no fixed income
how does parents working low paid jobs affect their children’s education?
-can’t afford correct uniform
-hand me down clothes
-lack of enrichment
-no good food
-can’t afford revision resources
does class override ethnicity?
-need to remember not to over-estimate the effect of cultural deprivation and underestimate the effect of poverty. however:
•2011: 86% of chinese girls who received fsm achieved 5 or higher in their GCSEs, compared with 65% of white girls who weren’t fsm
•other ethnic groups are less affected by low-income than white pupils were
is racism in wider society?
-david mason (2000): argues ‘discrimination’ is continuing & persistent feature of experience of Britains citizens of minority ethnic origin
-john rex (1986): suggests: racial discrimination-> social exclusion-> poverty worsens. discriminated means that minorities more likely to be forced into substandard accom than white ppl of same class
-wood et al (2010): sent identical letters to top 100 uk companies but alternated between the names ‘evan’s’ and ‘patel’. replies to the ‘white’ candidate more helpful. 1 in 16 ethnic minority applications offered an interview, compared to 1 in 9 white apps
what is internalised racism?
-comprises our private beliefs and biases about race and racism, influenced by our culture. can take many different forms including: prejudice towards others of a different race; internalised oppression - negative beliefs about oneself by people of colour; or internalised privilege
what is interpersonal racism?
-bias that occurs when individuals interact with others and their personal racial beliefs affect their public interactions
what is institutional racism?
-refers to unfair policies and discriminatory practices of particular institutions that routinely produce racially inequitable outcomes for ppl of colour and advantages for white ppl.
what is structural racism?
-involves cumulative and compounding effects of an array of societal factors, including the history, culture, ideology and interactions of institutions and policies that systematically privilege white ppl and disadvantage ppl of colour
what is the critical racism theory?
-sees racism as an ingrained feature of society
-meaning it involves institutional racism
-Daría Roithmayr (2003)= institutional racism is a ‘locked-in inequality’
-Gillborn (2008)= sees ethnic inequality as ‘so deep rooted that it is practically an inevitable feature of the education system
what is marketisation and segregation?
-Gillborn (1997)= bc marketisation gives schools more scope to select pupils, it allows negative stereotypes to influence decisions about school admissions
what are some evaluations of institutional racism?
-too much focus on internal factors:
Sewell argues Gillborn focuses too much on internal factors, and although he doesn’t believe racism has disappeared, he does argue it isn’t powerful enough to prevent individuals from succeeding
-over achievement of ‘model minorities’:
Indian and Chinese students perform better than white majority, if these two groups do so well, then how can there be institutional racism in education?
-other differences are more important:
Connolly (2006) notes that there is an ‘interactions effect’ : class and gender interact differently with ethnicity depending on which ethnic group we’re looking at. for instance there is a bigger gap between achievements of white m/c and white w/c pupils than there is between black n/c pupils and black w’c pupils