4.gender differences in achievement(e) Flashcards
what are some A02 points for GCSE?
-overall, A* rates for boys was 5.9% compared to 8.1% for girls
-boys outperformed girls in biology and chemistry
-female A*-C rate was 73.1% compared to 64.3% for boys
what are some A02 points for alevel?
-in 2021, 44.3% of alevel entries in england were awarded an A* or A
-2021 first year where more female students got A* grade in maths than males
-gender gap reached its highest level in 10 years, with the rate of A* and A’s standing at 46.4% for girls vs 41.7% for boys
what is womens education?
-historically, womens education was designed to teach m/c and u/c girls how to be better mothers and wives
-make girls more attractive marriage material for men
-m/c taught very basics of reading, writing, maths, domestic skills
-werent encouraged to have academic aspirations
-in 1840s it was first acknowledged that if women were the first educators of children, they needed a solid education
what are some gender differences within achievement?
-girls statistically do better than boys at every level o education system in english and science
-boys starting to catch up but not in GCSE english where 70% of girls pass compared to 54% of boys
-more girls stay on post 16
-more women accepted into uni
-women more likely to get 1st class degree
if girls are doing so well, why are feminists moaning about education?
-feminists still concerned about girls experiences of education
-15,000 girls leave school with no qualifications
-girls less likely to take subjects like physics and maths for alevel
-girls tend to slip back a little at alevel where they were high performers at GCSE
-women still underpayed compared to men
what was education like from 1950-1988?
-concerns about underachievement of girls at school
-girls did worse in exams and were less likely to progress to higher education
what was education like in early 1990s?
-girls narrowed the gap and eventually eliminated it
-girls were outperforming boys at every level of national curriculum and in every subject at GCSE and alevel
what was education like in 2006:higher education?
-48% of females went onto higher education vs 38% of males
-males were ahead in achieving higher classifications than women
what is the external factor ‘feminism’?
-feminist movement challenged traditional stereotype of womens role as solely mother and housewife
-feminist raised womens expectations and self-esteem
-McRobbie’s (1994) study of girls magazines: in the 1970s they emphasised the importance of getting married and not being ‘left on the shelf’, whereas nowadays they contain images of independent women
what is the external factor changes in employment?
-equal pay act (1970) and sex discrimination act (1975)
-growth of service sector has increased career opportunities for women
-girls have become more ambitious and are less likely to see having a family and home as their main role in life. many girls growing up today have mothers working in paid employment
what is the external factor changing girls ambitions?
-Sharpe’s (1994) interviews with girls in the 1970s and 1990s show major shift in the way girls see their future. in order to achieve independence, many girls recognise they need an education. 1974: girls had low aspirations, believed educational success was unfeminine, gave their priorities as ‘love, marriage, husbands, children, jobs, careers more or less in thst order’. 1990: wanted careers and to be able to support themselves
what is the external factor changes in the family?
-since 1970s, been increase in number of lone parent families which tend to be headed by women
-more women taking on breadwinner role
-increase in divorce rate, suggests to girls it is unwise to rely on a husband the be their provider
what is the internal factor government policies and programmes?
-Boaler= ‘equal opportunities’ policies key to changing girls achievement. barriers removed
-Gist & Wise= encourage girls to pursue careers in non-traditional areas
-national curriculum=girls & boys study mostly same subjects, removed some gender inequality
-league tables= marketisation policies created more competition where schools see girls as desirable recruits as they do better in exams
-Jackson 1998= league table improved opportunities for girls- high achieving girls are attractive to schools whereas low achieving boys arent
what is the internal factor role models in education?
-increasing number of women in senior positions in education such as headteacher and academy CEOs
-lack of male primary school teachers suggests to boys that learning is a female activity
what is the internal factor changes in curriculum?
-introduction of coursework=favours girls. Gorard=argues changed system of assessment is reason behind gender gap in achievement. Mitsos & Browne= girls are more successful in coursework as theyre better organised than boys
-Elwood (2005)= exams have more influence than coursework on final grades, coursework is unlikely to be only cause of gender gap
-challenging stereotypes= removal of gender stereotypes from textbooks has removed barrier to girls achievement