5. Definite Article and Conjunction Waw Flashcards
What is the first type of definite noun in Hebrew?
Nouns that occur with the Hebrew definite article.
What is the second type of definite noun in Hebrew?
Proper nouns (such as ‘Egypt’)
What is the third type of definite noun in Hebrew?
Nouns with possessive pronouns (e.g. your book)
How is a noun made definite in Hebrew?
By prefixing the definite article, plus a Daghesh Forte, in the first consonant of the noun.

How does the Article affect initial begadkephat consonants?
When the definite article is added to these words, the Daghesh Lene is replaced by a Daghesh Forte – nothing really changes in the spelling.
What are the three ways that the Article affects initial guttural consonants?
- Compensatory Lengthening
- Virtual Doubling
- Irregular Seghol Vowel
* (gutturals cannot take a Daghesh Forte)*
Which gutturals does **compensatory lengthening **affect?
Alef, Resh and Ayin
What is compensatory lengthening?
When the Pathach of the Article lengthens to a Qamets

Which gutturals does virtual doubling affect?
He and Het
What is virtual doubling?
When the Daghesh Forte is rejected – without the lengthening of the Pathach of the Article

Which gutturals does irregular Seghol Vowel affect?
Nouns that begin with unaccented Ayin-Qamets, He-Qamets, or Het-Qamets.

(Het-Qamats may also be accented)
What is Irregular Seghol Vowel?
When the Article appears with Seghol and without the Daghesh Forte
How does the Article affect initial Yod-Shewa and Mem-Shewa?

With few exceptions they give up the Daghesh Forte.
Note that the Shewa under the first consonant of the noun remains a Vocal Shewa by analogy to the basic form of the article with Daghesh Forte.
What will never change in a noun, with the addition of the Article?
The He is unaltered.
Also, the stem of the noun will rarely change.
In a small group of nouns, what change in vocalisation does the prefixing of the Article cause?
The vowel under the first consonant might change to Qamets

How many times does the Conjunction Waw appear in the Hebrew Bible?
Over 50,000 occurences – more frequently than any other word.
How many basic spelling possibilites are there for Conjunction Waw?
What is the first spelling possibility for the Conjunction Waw?
- Before most consonants, the conjunction will appear as Waw-Shewa. It occurs this way about 50% of the time.

What is the second spelling possibility for the Conjunction Waw?
- The Conjuntion Waw will appear as a Shureq
What is the bump rule?
When a Conjunction Waw appears as a Shureq before the consonants Bet, Mem or Pe (B-M-P)

In addition to the bump rule, when else will Conjunction Waw appear as a Shureq?
The Conjunction Waw is spelled as Shureq before most consonants having a Vocal Shewa.

What is the third spelling possibility for the Conjunction Waw?
Before a reduced or Hateph vowel, the conjunction is spelled with the corresponding short vowel of the Hateph vowel.

What is the fourth spelling possibility for the Conjunction Waw?
The Conjunction Waw may also be spelled with a Qamets before monosyllabic words and certain words with an initial accent.