5: Anxiety Flashcards
negative emotion that states feelings of worry, nervousness with physical/cognitive arousal
2 components of anxiety
- somatic: physical (sweaty palms, shaky hands, increased HR/BP, urination, perspiration)
- cognitive: decrease in decision making, concentration, increased confusion, forgettfulness
types of anxiety
- social: negavtie evaluation from others
- competitve: worry about skill, fitness being negatively evaluated by others
- social physique: body negatively evaluated from others
- state: experienced in this moment
- trait: anxiety overtime
what is anxiety influenced by
demands placed on indiviual from environment and available resources
5 characteristics of anxiety
- following evaluation
- universal
- distinct physiology
- facial expression
- tendencies (unique behaivours)
dimensions/measure of anxiety
interpretation of how we interpret same symptoms
- intensity of symptoms (more anxious on race day)
- frequency of cognitive intrusions (think abt more frequently as race day approaches)
describe 5 personal sources of anxiety
- Self regulation: self handicapping- enhance opportunity to fail
- Gender: research inconsistent
- Experience/skill level: lesser experience ppl shown to have higher anxiety
- Trait anxiety: competitive trait anxiety- anxiety during competitions
- Self confidence: self presentational efficacy- confidence in one’s ability to present image to others
describe environmental sources of anxiety
- patterning of time of competition
- physical environment: clothing, mirrors
- people
describe how anxiety influences performance
- Attention/concentration changes
- innapropriate task focus, preoccupation worries - Attention narrowing: distracted = miss relevent cues
- Paralysis by analysis, shift to consious processing
- Yips, muscle tension and coordination difficulties
drive theory
NOT SUPPORTED, linear graph that as arousal increase = performance increase
inverted u hypothesis
arousal increases with performance only up to a specific point, furhter developed by separating by athlete
Indiviualized zones of optimal functioning- best performance when in best optimized zone of functioning
how do you meausre pre contemplation
-subjective athelete rating, subjective coach rating, objective measures of performance
cusp catastrophe
interaction between performance and physiologal arousal + cognitive anxiety
cusp catastrophe- low physiological arousal
elevations in cognitive anxiety enhanced performance