5 a Medicines From Nature Flashcards
Used for pain relief, gout and osteoarthritis.
Found in the bark of the white willow tree in Europe and West/ Central Aisa
Stimulant for CNS, heart and muscles
Used for migraines, epidurals and anesthesia
Found in tea, coffee and coca plant in Topical and sub tropical climates
Requires acidic soil (pH 4.0- 6.5)
Kills malarial parasites in red blood cells
Bark of cinchonas evergreen tree
Found in topical mountainous regions (Andean forests) of South America
Fungi and antibiotics
Cephalosporin produced by cephalosporum acrenomium
Used to treat cancer and gout
Plant: Autumn crocus
Found in Central and Southern Europe, North Africa and Middle East
Temp 10-22 degrees
Precipitation: 350-700mm
Species of poppy that produces opium
Papaver Somniferum
Production of opiate drugs
Opium contains a class of naturally occuring alkaloids called opiates.
Seedpod is incised with a multibladed tool to all the “gum” to ooze out which is then dried and sold.
Raw opium contains about 8-14% morphine by dry weight.
It can be used directly or chemically modified to produce synthetic louise such as heroin.
Growing conditions for Papaver Somniferum
Warm dry climates
Temperate climates 30-38 degrees
150-300mm precipitation per year
Can grow in a variety of soils
Soil pH 6-7.5
Countries producing opium poppy plant
Legal production in India, Turkey and Australia (Tasmania)
Illegal production in Afghanistan, Thailand and Mexico
Legal opium production in Turkey
Over 200 tons of opium are produced annually globally
70 000 to 100 000 small scale farmers cultivate opium in Turkey
95% morphine production is then exported creating $60 million in revenue
Legal opium production in Tasmania
Produces 49% worlds legal supply
Contributes $100 million a year to Victoria state’s economy
Legal opium production in India
Three states can grow opium poppies: Mashya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh
Employs 120 000 people
Generates $25 million per year
Illegal production of opiates
Three main sources Burma, Afghanistan and Colombia
High demand, highly profitable, products take up little space to produce and stable shell life
Ideal export
Illegal opium production in Afghanistan
In 2010 Afghanistan produced 90% of the worlds illicit opium using clandestine labs hidden in the countries topography.
Production increased by 43% from 2015 to 2016
16% GDP from opiates produced
Most profit goes to organised crime groups and funding to militant groups in Afghanistan
Manufacturing has increased reaching 523 tons in 2013
144 countries consumed morphine to some extent
Global consumption at 5.42 mg/person
Sustainable opium production: providing alternate incomes in Afghanistan
Reduction of rural poverty to reduce illicit cultivation
191 500 rural households in Afghanistan rely on growing illicit crops
31 raisin processing plant down to 1 in 2008
Lack of opportunities
Sustainable opium production: legalisation
Legalisation of opium for medicinal purposes has been gaining support since 2007 due to global shortage of painkillers such as morphine in many developing countries.
Unlikely to be successful in Afghanistan due to corruption and lack of relative institutions
Sustainable production of opium: destruction of opium crops
Militant groups in Afghanistan promoted opium production
Taliban insurgents get more than £65 million annually from taxing farmers and drug producers in the area