5 Flashcards
When will the two major kingdoms of Egypt built and where?
Around 5500 B.C. two major kingdoms developed along the Nile upper Egypt and lower Egypt.
When did king Narmer rule?
Around 3200 BC.
Why did Egyptians built their architecture out of stone?
It lasted for the most part.
What does polytheistic mean?
It means they believed in many gods.
What is a pharaoh?
It is the ruler or owner of all the land, water, people in his or her kingdom.
What is theocracy?
A government ruled by religious leaders.
Why did Egyptian people so respectful upon their pharaohs?
They thought the pharaoh was a living god that would be with them forever in eternity.
What is dynasty?
A family control of government.
Why was the capital city, Memphis, so important?
The rulers good control the workforce, agriculture and trade routes.
Why was mummification so important?
Egyptians believed in the life of death and they wanted the body to look lifelike.
What was the process of mummification?
First they removed the organs. Then they removed as much moisture from the body as possible using a salt called natron to preserve the body and then wrapped it in linen cloth. The body was placed in a sarcophagus, which is similar to a coffin.
What is hieroglyphs?
The writing system that combines pictures and symbols.
When did JJ Champilion find the Rosetta Stone?
1822 A.D.
What is the Rosetta Stone?
FaceTime with the same message written in three languages which allowed historians to translate ancient hieroglyphics.
What is an obelisk?
A tall narrow monument that becomes narrower as it goes up.
What was make up to the Egyptians?
All Egyptians wore makeup even the men. Dark eye makeup, kohi, made from soot and other minerals. It was a fashion statement and it protected their skin from the sun.
Why did Egyptians invent toothpaste?
They have problems with their teeth because they ate bread that had much grid and sand in it. I invented a toothbrush and toothpaste to take care of their teeth. They made it from ashes, eggshells and even ground up ox hooves.
What was the Egyptian civilization?
Pharaoh Royal Court High priests, government officials, scribes, nobles Doctors, engineers and craftsman Farmers, unskilled workers.
Hat is Egypt’s six periods?
Old Kingdom
Middle Kingdom
New Kingdom
What is a Kingdom?
Times of peace and prosperity when new temples were built, lots of food were harvested and things were food.
What was intermediate periods?
Times where Egypt was invaded, experienced civil war, bad food harvests and other difficult things.
What is the early dynastic period?
The time period before the old Kingdom.
What tradition did Narmer start?
Passing power to members of his family. Son - creating first dynasty.
Why was King Namer so important to Egypt?
He defeated som enemies and united Upper and Lower Egypt.
What is a Mastaba?
A flat roof building that looks like a pyramid’s base without a top.