2 Flashcards
How long and where he have have gatherers being around?
In southern Africa for about 11,000 years.
What does San mean?
It comes from the Khoi-khoi word Saan which means people who gather food of people without any cattle.
For what is the term San used?
It is used to describe the indigenous people of southern Africa who live or used to live by hunting and gathering.
What do European settlers call these people?
They call them Bosjesman, Soaqua, Bushmen and other names.
When did the Europeans arrive in the Cape?
They arrived at the Cape of good hope in 1652 they brought advanced weapons weapons at new diseases.
What kind of diseases did the Europeans bring?
They brought diseases, such as small pox, caused thousands of San Khoi people to die during the 18th and 19th centuries.
What does domesticate mean?
To tame plants or animals for human use.
What is livestock?
Domesticated animals, such as cattle, sheep, and pigs that provide resources. Resources such as skin and meat.
What is a nomad?
A person without a permanent home who moves around to survive?
What is a pastoral society?
A group of people who’s way of life depends on herding.
What does cultivate mean?
To prepare and use soil for the growing of crops.
What is the tsetse fly?
It is a blood sucking insect that causes sleeping sickness. People and cattle die from it.
What is the difference between pastoralism and agriculture?
Pastoralism means nomadic which means that people move around and settle often. Agriculture is a more permanent lifestyle where people can plant large amount of crops and live there for the rest of their lives.
What was the kind of crops that the agricultural people planted?
Props like wheat, barley, and millit.
What does agriculture create?
Agriculture generally creates a surplus of food for communities, which can be stored and eaten later.