//4.b. Mitigation strategies to combat global pandemics and overcome physical barriers Flashcards
HIV/AIDS pandemic- key facts about HIV/AIDS
- HIV first identified in the USA in 1981
- the virus weakens the immune system which then leads to AIDS
- worldwide, 35 million people have HIV
- 70% of HIV infections concentrated in sub-saharan Africa
- MDG 6a aimed to halt the spread of disease by 2015
- funding by governements, multilateral agencies and the Global Fund has lowered the number of new HIV infections
HIV/AIDS pandemic- why are there problems with the poorest in reducing cases?
- because they struggle to fund comprehensive preventation/treatment programmes
- Botswana implemented two HIV/AIDS programmes HOWEVER 1/4 of 15-49 were HIV poitibe and there were 5700 AIDS deaths
HIV/AIDS pandemic- STRATEGY- preventation
- aims to modify high risk behaviour associated with infection
- relies on education and better public understanding of HIV
- HIV transmitted by body fluids e.g. semen
- promoting safe sex
- prevetation addresses the issue for human rights-promoting human rights for those most at risk helps to reduce discrimination
HIV/AIDS pandemic- STRATEGY- diagnosis
- early diagnosis can be achieved by screening for HIV antibodies in blood and saliva samples
- early diagnosis reduces chances of HIV carriers developing IDS
HIV/AIDS pandemic- STRATEGY- treatment
- reductions in mortality/morbidity have been achieved by the use of antiretrovial drugs which halts the progression of the virus
- low cost ARVs available- 8 million people receiving drugs
- education programmes raise individual awareness and spread of diseases
- media campaigns against HIV/AIDs
How do physical barriers have an effect on disease mitigation
- physical barriers can isolate communities
- can restrict population movement through an area
Example of tribe affected by disease- Nahua Tribe in Amazon Basin
- very little immunity due to western diseases e.g. influenza
- mid 1980s in Peru
- contact from oil exploration (influenza) meant every person from the tribe was dead within a year
Example of tribe affected by disease- Marunahua Tribe in Amazon Basin
- mid 1980s in Peru
- contact from mahogany loggers meant every person from the tribe dead within 18 months
How have physical barriers affected Pakistan 2005 and Neplal 2015
Mountains and natural disasters
- isolated mountain communities
- landslides; no road access
- outbreakd of endemic water disease e.g. cholrea and typhoid
- 100 dead in just over a week
Physical barriers- Ebola in 2014
- in 2014, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone had ebola
- in the 1980s, there was ebola in the DRC rainforest
- Sahara Desert acted as a physical barrier, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west of Africa
- the Congo Rainforest was a barrier to the east